- TEGL No. 23-16 (Issue Date: March 10, 2017)Subject
Program Year (PY) 2017 Estimated Funding Allotments and Instructions for the Indian and Native American Section 166 Programs
PurposeTo provide INA grantees with Planning Estimates for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Section 166, Indian and Native American (INA) Program, Comprehensive Services (CS) and Supplemental Youth Services (SYS) for PY 2017.
CanceledProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEGL No. 22-16 (Issue Date: March 8, 2017)Subject
2017 Federal Poverty Guidelines for Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Grants
PurposeTo bring attention to the revised Federal poverty guidelines for administrators of the SCSEP.
CanceledProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEGL No. 17-15, CHANGE 2 (Issue Date: March 8, 2017)Subject
Revised Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Advance Funding Levels Available October 2016 for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Programs
PurposeThis guidance provides states with revised allotment levels for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker FY 2017 funds, which became available to states in October 2016. Change 1 to TEGL 17-15 indicated a 0.496 percent reduction to funding available to states on October 2016. Change 2 amends this to a 0.1901 percent reduction as enacted in the short-term Further Continuing Appropriations Act for FY 2017, providing all fifty seven state and outlying area grantees with additional funding.
CanceledProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEN No. 07-16, Change 2 (Issue Date: March 2, 2017)Subject
Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Advisory Checklists Update Change 2
PurposeTo revise the status of Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) 29-05 Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Unemployment Insurance Criminal Investigations Between the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Inspector General and the Employment and Training Administration.
ActiveProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEGL No. 21-16 (Issue Date: March 2, 2017)Subject
Third Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Youth Formula Program Guidance
PurposeTo provide guidance and planning information to states, local workforce areas, and other recipients of WIOA Title I youth formula funds on the activities associated with the implementation of WIOA.
WIOA became law on July 22, 2014 and supersedes Titles I and II of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), and amends the Wagner-Peyser Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Departments of Labor and Education published a set of regulations for implementing WIOA. These WIOA Final Rules were made public on July 1, 2016, and the rules covering the Title I youth formula program became effective on October 18, 2016.
ActiveProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEGL No. 19-16 (Issue Date: March 1, 2017)Subject
Guidance on Services provided through the Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES), as amended by title III of WIOA, and for Implementation of the WIOA Final Rules
PurposeTo provide guidance to the workforce system on delivering services under the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs under WIOA Title I, and individuals served by the ES program, as amended by WIOA Title III, under the WIOA Final Rule.
WIOA, signed into law on July 22, 2014, supersedes titles I and II of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and amends the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In general, WIOA took effect on July 1, 2015, the first full program year after enactment, unless otherwise noted. On August 19, 2016, the Departments of Labor (DOL) and Education published the WIOA Final Rules in the Federal Register. The DOL-only rule became fully effective on October 18, 2016, 60 days after it was published on the Federal Register.
In order to continue implementation of WIOA prior to publication of the final rule, DOL issued a Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 3-15, on July 1, 2015, which provided guidance to the public workforce system on delivering services to adults and dislocated workers under WIOA. This TEGL rescinds TEGL 3-15, and provides updated guidance to the public workforce system on service delivery to adults and dislocated workers, consistent with WIOA and the WIOA Final Rules. The section of the final rule pertaining to services for adults and dislocated workers under WIOA title I can be found at 20 CFR part 680 The sections of the final rule pertaining to individuals served under the Wagner-Peyser Act programs, as revised, can be found at 20 CFR parts 651, 652, 653 and 658.
ActiveProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEGL No. 20-16 (Issue Date: March 1, 2017)Subject
Designation of Significant Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker (MSFW) States, Significant MSFW One-stop Centers, and Significant Multilingual MSFW One-stop Centers
PurposeTo transmit the Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) Program Year (PY) 2016 designation of:
- Significant MSFW States;
- Significant MSFW One-stop centers; and
- Significant Multilingual MSFW One-stop centers.
This guidance also transmits updated Minimum Service Level Indicators of Wagner-Peyser Employment Service (ES) services to MSFWs for the Significant MSFW States, and transmits guidance on State Workforce Agencies (SWA) responsibilities in serving MSFWs.
The U.S. Department of Labor (Department) announced the publication of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) final regulations in the Federal Register, on Friday, August 19, 2016. These regulations became effective October, 18, 2016 and included updates to the Wagner-Peyser regulations. The updated guidance also provides clarification on the responsibilities of SWAs for the designated:
- Significant MSFW States;
- Significant MSFW One-stop centers; and
- Significant MSFW Multilingual One-stop centers
CanceledProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - UIPL No. 12-17 (Issue Date: February 28, 2017)Subject
Adjudication of Unemployment Insurance Combined Wage Claims Issues
PurposeTo clarify existing guidance governing adjudication of any Combined Wage Claim (CWC) as set out in 20 C.F.R. Part 616, and to make a technical assistance tool available to State Workforce Agencies for staff use in addressing CWC issues previously adjudicated by another state in compliance with 20 C.F.R. 616.8 (a).
ActiveProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEGL No. 18-15, Change 4 (Issue Date: February 15, 2017)Subject
Corrected allotment tables for Revised Program Year 2016 Planning Instructions and Allotments for SCSEP National Non-Minority Grantees
PurposeThis Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) Change 4 provides corrected allotment tables for Non-Minority National grantees for February 1 - June 30, 2017. The participant and funding allotments in Change 3 attachments B-1 and B-2 published on 12/30/2016 contained minor errors for two national grantees, the National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc. (NCBA) and the National Urban League (NUL), in two states, Florida and Michigan. The corrected B-1 and B-2 tables are attached. All other information in TEGL 18-15, Change 3 remains the same.
CanceledProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017 - TEN No. 39-16 (Issue Date: February 9, 2017)Subject
2017 Unemployment Insurance (UI) State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) Training Seminar
PurposeTo announce the 2017 UI SIDES Training Seminar, being held April 18-20, 2017, in Kansas City, Missouri.
ActiveProgram Year:2016Fiscal Year:2017