- TEIN No. 37-93 (Issue Date: March 7, 1994)Subject
The 1994 Performance Standards Technical Conferences--"JTPA: Quality Programs, Quality Results"
PurposeTo provide information on a series of 1994 JTPA Performance Standards Technical Conferences that address PY 1994-95 performance standards policy and present research and demonstration findings on a variety of issues.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 39-93 (Issue Date: March 4, 1994)Subject
Announcement of JTPA Summer Enrichment Training Sites and Schedule
PurposeTo provide JTPA Liaisons with information on the upcoming Summer Enrichment Training Sessions.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - DINAP Bulletin 93-12 (Issue Date: March 3, 1994)Subject
Annual Update of the Poverty Income Guidelines
PurposeTo issue revisions to the Federal Poverty Income guidelines.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 36-93 (Issue Date: March 2, 1994)Subject
National Employ the Older Worker Week
PurposeTo announce the designation of March 13 through March 19, l994 as "National Employ the Older Worker Week.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - GAL No. 11-94 (Issue Date: March 1, 1994)Subject
Implementation and Clarification of Certain Requirements in the Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1992 (P.L. 102-318) Affecting the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and Extended Compensation (EB) Programs effective March 6, 1993
PurposeTo provide operating instructions for EUC and clarify requirements of amendments to EUCA.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - UIPL No. 16-94 (Issue Date: March 1, 1994)Subject
Additions to RQC Operations Handbook (Core RQC)
PurposeTo provide State employment security agency (SESA) Revenue Quality Control (RQC) staff with three documents, updating the RQC Operations Handbook. Two documents are for inclusion in the draft RQC Operations Handbook: 1) A sample "RQC Annual Report", and 2) a model Field Audit Report form. The third document is a compilation of questions and answers (Q&As) developed during RQC implementation and training sessions.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - DINAP Bulletin 93-11 (Issue Date: March 1, 1994)Subject
Proposed Indian and Native American (INA) Automated Reporting System
PurposeTo inform grantees of, and request comments on, a proposed automated reporting system for INA programs.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 35-93 (Issue Date: February 28, 1994)Subject
Earned Income Credit
PurposeTo provide information on the Earned Income Credit.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - UIPL No. 14-94 (Issue Date: February 16, 1994)Subject
To advise State agencies of the provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act which affect the Federal-State UC Program.
PurposeNorth American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (P.L. 103-182) - Provisions Affecting the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program relating to Self-Employment Assistance
ActiveProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 34-93 (Issue Date: February 1, 1994)Subject
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Targeting, Outreach and Recruitment Technical Assistance Guide (TAG)
PurposeTo announce the publication and distribution of the Targeting, Outreach and Recruitment Technical Assistance Guide. This TAG was developed to support full implementation of the 1992 Amendments to the JTPA.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994