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  • TEGL No. 19-14 (Issue Date: February 19, 2015)

    Vision for the Workforce System and Initial Implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


    This Training Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) lays out the vision for a revitalized transformed workforce system as a result of implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Further, it encourages workforce system leaders and partners to take action now to support successful implementation to fully realize the vision of WIOA. Finally, it provides an overview of upcoming guidance and technical assistance to support effective implementation of WIOA.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • TEGL No. 19-13, Change 1 (Issue Date: February 11, 2015)

    Expansion and Clarification of Definition of Significant Barriers to Employment for Determining Eligibility for the Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP)


    To expand and clarify the definition of significant barriers to employment (SBE) provided in Section 5 of Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 19-13, released on April 10, 2014.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • TEGL No. 18-14 (Issue Date: February 9, 2015)

    2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines for Senior Community Service Employment Program Grants


    To issue the revised Federal poverty guidelines for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP).

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • TEN No. 21-14 (Issue Date: February 4, 2015)

    Funding Opportunity Announcement: American Apprenticeship Initiative Grants


    To announce the availability of $100 million for American Apprenticeship Initiative Grants to public-private partnerships. The Department will award approximately 25 grants from $2.5 million to $5 million each, for a period of performance of 5 years from the date of award. The deadline for applying is April 30, 2015.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • TEN No. 20-14 (Issue Date: February 3, 2015)

    Release of a study to develop an enhanced military to civilian crosswalk


    To disseminate the final report of a study to develop an enhanced military to civilian occupational crosswalk under the provisions of Section 222 of the VOW to Hire Heroes Act and to alert the workforce system and its partners of the availability of the study and resulting enhanced crosswalk. The enhanced crosswalk is designed to help transitioning servicemembers and veterans expand their potential options to transfer military skills and training to civilian careers and employment.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • TEN No. 19-14 (Issue Date: February 2, 2015)

    Single Federal Portal for Connecting Veterans to Meaningful Career Opportunities


    To inform the public workforce system and partners of the functionality and value of the government-wide Veterans Employment Center (VEC) available now through the eBenefits portal hosted by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) at: https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/jobs.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • UIPL No. 09-13, Change 1 (Issue Date: January 27, 2015)

    Integrity Performance Measure for Unemployment Insurance


    To inform State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) about a revision of the improper payment rate methodology for Unemployment Insurance Performs Core Measures.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • TEN No. 18-14 (Issue Date: January 22, 2015)

    Revised Federal Schedule of Remuneration for Use in Determining Benefit Eligibility under the Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members (UCX) Program


    To ensure states are aware of the revised Schedule of Remuneration for the UCX program that reflects the military pay increase effective January 1, 2015.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • UIPL No.10-15 (Issue Date: January 22, 2015)

    2015 Pay Adjustments for Annual Salary Rates for General Schedule (GS) Federal Employees in 31 Locality Pay Areas


    To ensure states are aware of the locality-based salary rates for certain Federal civilian employees.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015
  • UIPL No. 2-15, Change 1 (Issue Date: January 22, 2015)

    Implementation of Sequestration under the Budget Control Act of 2011 for Mandatory Unemployment Insurance Programs for Fiscal Year 2015


    To clarify application of sequestration in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 on delayed benefit payments from prior fiscal years and resulting administrative costs.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2015