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  • TEN No. 38-16 (Issue Date: February 7, 2017)

    Release and Availability of the Significant Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws Effective January 2017


    To announce the release and availability of the Significant Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws Effective January 2017.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • UIPL No. 11-17 (Issue Date: January 27, 2017)

    Interest Rate on Title XII Advances During Calendar Year (CY) 2017


    To announce the rate of interest that the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) will charge on Title XII advances during CY 2017.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEGL No. 18-16 (Issue Date: January 19, 2017)

    Program Eligibility and Enrollment Guidance for the National Farmworker Jobs Program


    To provide guidance for eligibility of program participants for the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) authorized under Title I Section 167 Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) Programs of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This guidance rescinds and replaces Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) NO. 25-04 Participant Eligibility Guidance and TEGL NO. 25-04 Change 1.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • UIPL No. 09-17 (Issue Date: January 19, 2017)

    Implementation of Sequestration under the Budget Control Act of 2011 for Mandatory Unemployment Insurance Programs for Fiscal Year 2017


    To provide information to State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) about the application of sequestration in Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, how the Department of Labor (Department) will apply sequestration to mandatory Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs and on delayed benefit payments from prior fiscal years, and the resulting administrative costs.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • UIPL No. 10-17 (Issue Date: January 19, 2017)

    Social Security Annuities and Federal Civilian Pensions


    To ensure states are aware that: 1) the social security survivors and old age retirement annuities and the Federal civilian pensions annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will increase for calendar year 2017, and 2) COLA information may be found on the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Web site.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEN No. 34-16 (Issue Date: January 18, 2017)

    New Research Reports and Data Set Tools for the Green Jobs and Health Care (GJ-HC) Impact Evaluation


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of three reports titled: 1) Green Jobs and Health Care (GJ-HC) Impact Evaluation: Findings from the Implementation Study of Four Training Programs for Unemployed and Disadvantaged Workers; 2) GJ-HC Impact Evaluation: Findings from the Impact Study of Four Training Programs for Unemployed and Disadvantaged Workers; and 3) GJ-HC Impact Evaluation: Special Topic Paper on Standard Error Estimation in Evaluations with No-Shows.

    In addition, ETA announces the release of the GJ-HC Impact Evaluation public-use data files, available to researchers, practitioners, and other members of the public, and GJ-HC Impact Evaluation restricted-use data files, available to researchers authorized by ETA, for the purpose of conducting their own analyses with the data related to the evaluation.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEN No. 35-16 (Issue Date: January 18, 2017)

    Release and Availability of the Final Report Titled Evaluation of the GATE II Grants: Is Self-Employment Training Effective for Rural and Older Dislocated Workers?


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of the final report titled Evaluation of the GATE II Grants: Is Self-Employment Training Effective for Rural and Older Dislocated Workers?

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEN No. 37-16 (Issue Date: January 18, 2017)

    Release and Availability of a Final Report Entitled: Exhaustees of Extended Unemployment: Coping with the Aftermath of the Great Recession


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of a final report, "Exhaustees of Extended Benefits Programs: Coping with the Aftermath of the Great Recession." This report examines the extent to which Unemployment Compensation (UC) recipients collected all benefits to which they were entitled ("exhausting" their benefits), in the context of the Great Recession and the extended potential duration of benefits, at that time; and assesses the outcomes for these individuals relative to other unemployed workers.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEGL No. 16-16 (Issue Date: January 18, 2017)

    One-Stop Operations Guidance for the American Job Center Network


    This Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) provides general guidance for the implementation of operational requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) pertaining to the one-stop delivery system, branded nationally as the American Job Center network. Due to the broad scope of the one-stop delivery system, encompassing multiple programs administered by different Federal agencies, this guidance provides the primary components for understanding and implementing an integrated American Job Center network. Consistent with the requirement to promote increased public identification of the one-stop delivery system and the requirement for the use of a common identifier across the nation (WIOA sec. 121(e)(4)), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), in coordination with the U.S. Department of Education (ED), established the "American Job Center" network, a unifying name and brand that identifies online and in-person workforce development services as part of a single network of publicly-funded services. The use of the American Job Center network designation in this guidance establishes a framework for accentuating and implementing an integrated workforce delivery system. DOL and ED, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (collectively, the Departments), published the WIOA Joint Rule for Unified and Combined State Plans, Performance Accountability, and the One-Stop System Joint Provisions; Final Rule (Joint WIOA Final Rule) on August 19, 2016, in the Federal Register at 81 FR 55791. The Joint WIOA Final Rule, which became effective on October 18, 2016, can be found at: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/08/19/2016-15977/workforce-innovation-and-opportunity-act-joint-rule-for-unified-and-combined-state-plans-performance.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEN No. 36-16 (Issue Date: January 18, 2017)

    Release and Availability of Two Reports: Using Workforce Data Quality Initiative (WDQI) Databases to Develop and Improve Consumer Report Card Systems (CRCS) and How States Manage Eligible Training Provider Lists: Findings from a State Survey


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of two papers from a study of states' use of Workforce Data Quality Initiative (WDQI) Databases to inform Consumer Report Card Systems and manage Eligible Training Provider Lists (ETPL).

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017