2291 to 2300 of 3797 results
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  • UIPL No. 36-02 (Issue Date: September 20, 2002)

    Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: October 1 - December 31, 2002


    To transmit the subject computation for state workforce agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared during the first quarter of fiscal year (FY) 2003.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • TEN No. 04-02 (Issue Date: September 20, 2002)

    Workforce Investment System Initiative in Support of Homeland Security As It Relates to the Federalization of the Nation's Airports


    To inform the Workforce Investment System and its service providers of roles and responsibilities involved in responding to the statutorily mandated federalization of airport security. The federal government anticipates that the number of layoffs of current screeners is likely to be substantial, especially in larger airports. The President has requested that the Department of Labor ensure, through the state and local workforce system, the provision of quick, user-friendly, valuable and compassionate help to those current screeners who will lose their jobs through this process. Because the airport security function at all airports must be federalized by November 19, 2002, timely provision of meaningful services will be very important.

    In addition, the Workforce Investment System is ideally positioned to assist the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in its efforts to recruit thousands of new security screeners. To date, several of the One-Stop systems in large cities have been responsible for managing TSA job fairs with great success. The Department of Labor is pursuing a more formal partnership role with TSA to assist in recruitment efforts. More information in this regard will be forwarded in the near future.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • TEN No. 03-02 (Issue Date: September 6, 2002)

    Training and Employment Information Notice (TEIN) Checklist


    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • TEN No. 02-02 (Issue Date: August 27, 2002)

    New Approaches For the Wage Record Interchange System (WRIS)


    To announce a new approach for funding and expanding WRIS.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • TEGL No. 06-02 (Issue Date: August 21, 2002)

    Guidance on the Recovery of Indirect Costs


    To establish uniform procedures for state workforce agencies (SWAs) on the preparation, submission, and approval of indirect cost rate proposals and/or cost allocation plans.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • UIPL No. 34-02 (Issue Date: August 9, 2002)

    Tax Rate Manipulation - State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Dumping


    To alert states to the expansion of ¡§SUTA Dumping¡¨ into industries other than Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), such as temporary help firms and service organizations, and to recommend possible approaches to help curb this activity.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • TEGL No. 05-02 (Issue Date: August 7, 2002)

    Clarification Of Level I And Level II Skill Levels For The Purposes Of Prevailing Wage Determinations


    To clarify how to assign skill levels to jobs when making a prevailing wage determination for foreign labor certification purposes.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • TEGL No. 23-01, Change 1 (Issue Date: August 2, 2002)

    Clarification of Transportation Requirements Under the H-2A Program


    To correct the examples provided in TEGL No. 23-01,(see page3, Example (ii) and Example(iv))

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • UIPL No. 33-02 (Issue Date: July 31, 2002)

    Development of an Unemployment Insurance (UI) Payment Accuracy/Integrity Measure


    To solicit comments from State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) on a proposed operational definition of UI overpayments, and options for a new measure under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) for assessing payment accuracy/integrity.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002
  • TEGL No. 04-02 (Issue Date: July 29, 2002)

    Modifications to State's Strategic Five-Year Plans for Title I of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act, Including Unified State Plans


    a) To transmit guidance for submission of modifications to State Strategic Five-Year Plans for title I of the Workforce Investment Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act; b) To encourage use of the modification process to add additional partners to the One-Stop System and move toward unified planning; and c) To announce the reinstatement of the Planning Guidance and Instructions for Submission of the Strategic Five-Year Plan for title I of the Workforce Investment Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act, i.e., the guidance for stand-alone planning originally issued February 25, 1999.

    Program Year:2002
    Fiscal Year:2002