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  • TEGL No. 11-21 (Issue Date: June 3, 2022)

    Program Year (PY) 2022 Planning Instructions and Allotments for Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) State, Territorial, and National Grantees


    To provide SCSEP state, territorial, and national grantees with the PY 2022 SCSEP allotments and the application instructions for PY 2022 grant submissions. This TEGL will also provide guidance regarding Minority Report submissions in the Program Narrative for this year.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • TEN No. 26-21 (Issue Date: May 24, 2022)

    Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Advisory Checklists Update


    To provide a checklist of all currently active ETA advisories as well as a checklist of all ETA advisories rescinded/cancelled since the previously issued checklists.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • TEN No. 25-21 (Issue Date: May 18, 2022)

    American Job Center Role in Connecting U.S. Job Seekers to Job Opportunities Available with Employers Seeking to Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Foreign Workers Certified for Work Starting in the Second Half of Fiscal Year (FY) 2022


    To ensure State Workforce Agencies (SWA) are aware that employers seeking to hire foreign workers for temporary employment under a supplemental H-2B visa cap for work certified to commence in the second half of FY 2022 must contact an American Job Center (AJC) for assistance in recruiting U.S. workers for their job opportunities. This information is similar to that shared in January 2022 regarding the first half of FY 2022.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • TEGL No. 10-21 (Issue Date: May 17, 2022)

    Program Year 2022 Planning Guidance for National Farmworker Jobs Program Career Services and Training Grantees and Housing Grantees


    To convey grant allotments for Program Year (PY) 2022 and provide information related to submission instructions for required funding documents and performance targets.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • UIPL No. 25-21, Change 1 (Issue Date: May 13, 2022)

    Revised and Final Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 State Workforce Agency Unemployment Insurance (UI) Resource Planning Targets and Guidelines


    To provide states with the revised and final FY 2022 UI State Administration base resource planning targets, general guidelines for resource planning, and an explanation of how the U.S. Department of Labor (Department) allocates base resources among the states.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • TEGL No. 09-21 (Issue Date: May 6, 2022)

    Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities Program Allotments for Program Year (PY) 2022; PY 2022 Allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES) Program; and PY 2022 Allotments of Workforce Information Grants to States


    To provide information to states and outlying areas on WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities program allotments for PY 2022; final PY 2022 allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act ES Program, as required by section 6(b)(5) of the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended; and the allotments of Workforce Information Grants to states for PY 2022.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • TEN No. 24-21 (Issue Date: May 5, 2022)

    Encouragement for States to Use the Integrity Data Hub (IDH) available through the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Integrity Center


    To provide an update on the IDH Participation Agreement (Version 5.0) and the available services in the IDH. The IDH is an important integrity tool to aid in detecting and preventing UI fraud; all states are strongly encouraged to enter into the updated IDH Participation Agreement in order to take advantage of the IDH services.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • TEGL No. 03-21, Change 2 (Issue Date: April 29, 2022)

    Change 2 to Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 3-21, Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Initial Funding Allotments for Fiscal Year 2022


    This Change 2 to Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 3-21 conveys the remaining balance for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 WOTC funding allotments and explains application requirements for State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) based on appropriated funding. Additionally, this Change 2 TEGL announces 18 states selected to receive additional FY 2022 backlog award funding and provides instructions to those states on how to proceed. The rest of TEGL No. 3-21 remains the same.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • UIPL No. 13-22 (Issue Date: April 15, 2022)

    Social Security Annuities and Federal Civilian Pensions


    To ensure that states are aware that the social security survivors and old age retirement annuities and the Federal civilian pensions annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increased for calendar year 2022, and to provide the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) COLA information.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022
  • UIPL No. 23-21, Change 3 (Issue Date: April 4, 2022)

    Extension of Period of Performance for Awards related to Grant Opportunity Announced in Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) No. 23-21


    To advise states that the period of performance for awards that promote equitable access to unemployment compensation (UC) programs is extended to March 31, 2024.

    Program Year:2021
    Fiscal Year:2022