1781 to 1790 of 3797 results
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  • UIPL No. 1-08 (Issue Date: October 23, 2007)

    Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: October 1- December 31, 2007


    To transmit the subject computation for State Workforce Agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared during the first quarter of fiscal year (FY) 2008.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2008
  • TEN No. 15-07 (Issue Date: October 16, 2007)

    Announcement of the launch of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions


    To inform the workforce investment system of the launch of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions (NFWS), an initiative that will provide learning and funding opportunities relevant to the workforce investment system. This initiative is funded by the Annie E. Casey, Ford, Hitachi, and Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundations in collaboration with the United States Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2008
  • TEGL No. 09-07 (Issue Date: October 10, 2007)

    Revised Incentive and Sanction Policy for Workforce Investment Act Title IB Programs


    To provide states guidance on the Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) revised policy related to incentives and sanctions under title IB of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) for performance accountability purposes.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2008
  • TEN No. 13-07 (Issue Date: October 5, 2007)

    Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Unemployment Insurance Benefits Timeliness and Quality (BTQ) Nonmonetary Determination Evaluation Training Seminar


    To announce a planned BTQ Nonmonetary Determination Evaluation Training Seminar to be held December 3 – 7, 2007, in Atlanta, Georgia. We expect to offer three additional BTQ seminars during FY 2008. Dates and locations will be announced later.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2008
  • TEN No. 14-07 (Issue Date: October 5, 2007)

    Training Webinar for State Workforce Agency Staff on the Resource Justification Model (RJM)


    To invite state staff participation in two RJM training webinar sessions scheduled to be held November 14 – 15, 2007, and December 5-6, 2007.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2008
  • TEN No. 12-07 (Issue Date: October 1, 2007)

    Implementation of New OMB Approved Form ETA 9130, U.S. DOL ETA FINANCIAL REPORT


    To announce the implementation of a new Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved quarterly financial reporting form, U.S. DOL ETA FINANCIAL REPORT (ETA-9130). This form will be required for use by all ETA grantees starting with the quarter ending September 30, 2007.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2008
  • TEGL No. 22-04, Change 1 (Issue Date: September 28, 2007)

    Serving Military Spouses as Dislocated Workers under the Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker Formula Grant


    The purpose of this guidance is to clarify Department of Labor policy regarding existing flexibility under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) to serve military spouses as dislocated workers under the WIA Dislocated Worker formula grant.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 08-07 (Issue Date: September 27, 2007)

    Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 State Base Allocations and the Process for Requesting Additional Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program Reserve Funds


    To provide states with the formula methodology used in developing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 base allocations and to describe the process for requesting additional TAA program reserve funds for training and job search and relocation allowances.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 07-07 (Issue Date: September 26, 2007)

    Designation of Areas of Substantial Unemployment under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) for Program Year (PY) 2008


    To request Area of Substantial Unemployment (ASU) designations in each state as defined in the WIA in order to allot funds under the Act for the period beginning July 1, 2008.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 06-07 (Issue Date: September 20, 2007)

    Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program Goals: Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Performance, FY 2007 Performance Targets, and FY 2008 Performance Targets


    To summarize the UI program’s GPRA performance for FY 2006 and announce the FY 2007 and FY 2008 GPRA goals and targets.

    Program Year:2007
    Fiscal Year:2007