1521 to 1530 of 3797 results
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  • TEN No. 20-09 (Issue Date: December 9, 2009)

    Release and Availability of ETA Occasional Paper 2009-20: Characteristics of the Community-Based Job Training Grants: Interim Report


    To announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Paper 2009-20: Characteristics of the Community-Based Job Training Grants: Interim Report

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEGL No. 11-09 (Issue Date: December 4, 2009)

    Expanded Participant Eligibility for the YouthBuild Program


    To clarify the definition of “school dropout” as it pertains to YouthBuild program participants under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • UIPL No. 03-10 (Issue Date: December 4, 2009)

    Revisions to Employment and Training (ET) Handbook 336, 18th Edition: “Unemployment Insurance (UI) State Quality Service Plan (SQSP) Planning and Reporting Guidelines”


    To provide State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) with a revised version of ET Handbook 336, 18th Edition, Change 2

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 19-09 (Issue Date: December 2, 2009)

    Release and Availability of ETA Occasional Paper: The Power of Partnership: American Regions Collaborating for Economic Competitiveness, 2009 Generation I WIRED Interim Evaluation Report


    To announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Paper: The Power of Partnership: American Regions Collaborating for Economic Competitiveness, 2009 Generation I WIRED Interim Evaluation Report

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 18-09 (Issue Date: December 1, 2009)

    Release and Availability of Four Reports from the National Evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of four reports on the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program:

    • Initial Implementation of the Trade Act of 2002;
    • Assessment, Case Management, and Post-Training Assistance for TAA Participants;
    • Linkages between TAA, One-Stop Career Center Partners, and Economic Development Agencies; and
    • Rapid Response and TAA.
    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 17-09 (Issue Date: November 30, 2009)

    Native American Employment and Training Council Call for Nominations


    To request Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 166 grantees to submit nominations for consideration by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, for appointment to fill expiring terms of membership on the Native American Employment and Training Council (Council).

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • UIPL No.14-09, Change 3 (Issue Date: November 30, 2009)

    Special Transfers for Unemployment Compensation Modernization and Administration and Relief from Interest on Advances


    To advise states of an amendment relating to unemployment compensation (UC) modernization incentive payments.

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 16-09 (Issue Date: November 30, 2009)

    Tools for America’s Job Seekers Challenge


    The Department of Labor (DOL) invites the workforce development system to participate in the Tools for America’s Job Seekers Challenge (hereafter called the “Challenge”). The Challenge seeks to help jobseekers and workforce development professionals identify and use online job search and career advancement tools. The Challenge utilizes an innovative method called crowdsourcing to allow jobseekers and workforce development professionals to recommend and comment on job search and career advancement tools. The effort is a collaboration among the White House, the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA), IdeaScale.com, job-related online tool providers, workforce development professionals, and jobseekers.

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • UIPL No.23-08, Change 6 (Issue Date: November 23, 2009)

    Emergency Unemployment Compensation, 2008 (EUC08) - Program Expansion Question and Answers


    To respond to states’ questions about the further expansion of the EUC08 program.

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEGL No. 22-08, Change 1 (Issue Date: November 20, 2009)

    Change 1 to the Operating Instructions for Implementing the Amendments to the Trade Act of 1974 Enacted by the Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009


    To provide a correction to the formula for calculating Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) payments and to respond to questions from State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) about administration of Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) and RTAA under the new Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, as amended in 2009.

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010