- TEN No. 36-06 (Issue Date: June 21, 2007)Subject
Human Services Transportation Coordination
PurposeThe purpose of this Training and Employment Notice (TEN) is to announce two recently released policies from the Interagency Council on Access and Mobility and identify how the workforce investment system can link to a newly devised coordinated human services transportation planning process. These coordination policies were promulgated to: (1) promote the participation of federally-assisted grantees in a locally-coordinated human services transportation planning process which would reduce transportation duplication, increase service efficiency, and expand access for populations that face major transportation challenges; and (2) coordinate resources to maximize accessibility and availability of transportation services by encouraging vehicles and rides to be shared with other federally-assisted programs, customers, or other members of the riding public.
ActiveProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - TEGL No. 30-06 (Issue Date: June 21, 2007)Subject
SCSEP Performance Measures and Goals for Program Year 2007
PurposeTo provide all SCSEP grantees with the notice of proposed revised performance measures policy that will become effective at the beginning of Program Year (PY) 2007 (July 1, 2007), and to describe the process for reaching agreement on PY 2007 performance goals for the designated core measures.
CanceledProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - TEGL No. 29-06 (Issue Date: June 15, 2007)Subject
Application Instructions for Program Year (PY) 2007 Workforce Information Grants: Workforce Information Formula Allocations to States
PurposeTo announce the grant application process and to transmit guidance for the development and management of the PY 2007 Workforce Information grants to states.
CanceledProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - TEN No. 35-06 (Issue Date: June 15, 2007)Subject
Unemployment Insurance Interstate Benefits and Federal Programs Training Conference
PurposeTo announce the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Interstate Benefits and Federal Programs Training Conference scheduled to be held September 4 – 7, 2007, in St. Petersburg, Florida, and to encourage state workforce agency staff participation.
ActiveProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - TEGL No. 28-06 (Issue Date: June 15, 2007)Subject
Native American Employment and Training Council Call for Nominations
PurposeTo request Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 166 grantees to submit nominations for consideration by the Secretary of Labor for appointment to fill expiring terms of membership on the Native American Employment and Training Council (Council).
CanceledProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - UIPL No. 22-07 (Issue Date: June 13, 2007)Subject
Maintenance of the Interstate Connection (ICON) Network Central Listing of Vessels
PurposeTo remind State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) of the importance of keeping the ICON Central Listing of Vessels up-to-date. The Central Listing of Vessels assists SWAs’ claims-taking staff when unemployment insurance (UI) claims are filed by maritime workers.
ActiveProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - TEGL No. 27-06 (Issue Date: June 12, 2007)Subject
Special Guidelines for Processing H-2B Temporary Labor Certification in Tree Planting and Related Reforestation Occupations
PurposeTo outline special guidelines as part of the H-2B labor certification process for employers who desire to employ tree planters and related reforestation occupations in the United States.
ActiveProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - UIPL No. 21-07 (Issue Date: June 12, 2007)Subject
UIPL 21-07 -- Not Issued
PurposeUIPL 21-07 -- Not Issued
CanceledProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - TEGL No. 26-06 (Issue Date: June 11, 2007)Subject
Planning Instructions and Allotments for Program Year 2007 Conditional Grants for Senior Community Service Employment Program Applicants
PurposeTo provide all Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) applicants with instructions and procedures for conditional grants for Program Year (PY) 2007, beginning July 1, 2007.
CanceledProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007 - TEN No. 34-06 (Issue Date: June 5, 2007)Subject
Notice of Postponement of the June 12, 2007 Technology-Based Learning Regional Forum
PurposeTo announce the postponement of the Technology-Based Learning (TBL) Regional Forum, scheduled for June 12, 2007 at the FDIC Training Center in Arlington, Virginia.
ActiveProgram Year:2006Fiscal Year:2007