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  • TEGL No. 29-16 (Issue Date: June 23, 2017)

    Program Year 2017 Planning Guidance for National Farmworker Jobs Program Employment and Training Grantees and Housing Assistance Grantees


    To provide instructions for National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) grantees for preparing and submitting program plans for Program Year (PY) 2017, establishing PY 2017 performance goals, and to convey the grant fund allocations for the program year.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEGL No. 28-16 (Issue Date: June 23, 2017)

    Program Year (PY) 2017 Planning Instructions and Allotments for SCSEP State, Territorial, and National Grantees


    This Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) provides current SCSEP state, territorial, and national grantees with the application instructions, allocations, and the process and procedures for the PY 2017 grant submission.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEGL No. 17-15, CHANGE 3 (Issue Date: June 21, 2017)

    Revised Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Advance Funding Levels Available October 2016 for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Programs


    This guidance provides states with revised allotment levels for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker FY 2017 funds, which became available to states in October 2016. Change 1 to Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 17-15 indicated a 0.496 percent reduction to funding available to states on October 2016. Change 2 amended the reduction amount to 0.1901 percent. Change 3 fully restores funding to the originally appropriated levels.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEGL No. 16-16, Change 1 (Issue Date: June 16, 2017)

    Change 1 to Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 16-16 One-Stop Operations Guidance for the American Job Center Network


    To correct and change the word "infrastructure" to "additional" in the last full sentence of the third bullet on page 37 of Attachment II. The statement should read, "MOUs can also consider how SCSEP will consider SCSEP participants' community service hours as an in-kind contribution for purposes of SCSEP's contribution towards additional costs;" not infrastructure costs. Everything else remains the same. TEGL 17-16 provides additional clarification on infrastructure funding and additional costs that are shared by one-stop partners in the one-stop local delivery system.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEN No. 44-16 (Issue Date: June 16, 2017)

    2017 Monitor Advocate and Foreign Labor Certification National Training


    To inform State Workforce Agencies (SWA), Monitor Advocates (MA), and Foreign Labor Certification State Coordinators (FLCSC) of the 2017 "Monitor Advocate and Foreign Labor Certification Training," sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA). The training will be held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico July 11-13, 2017. Some Regional Monitor Advocates (RMA) may request that the State Monitor Advocates (SMA) in their region stay until 12pm on Friday for pre-harvest discussions.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEGL No. 27-16 (Issue Date: June 9, 2017)

    Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities Program Allotments for Program Year (PY) 2017; Final PY 2017 Allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES) Program Allotments; and the Allotments of Workforce Information Grants to States for PY 2017


    To provide information to States and outlying areas on WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities program allotments for PY 2017; final allotments for PY 2017 for the Wagner-Peyser ES Program, as required by section 6(b)(5) of the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended; and the allotments of Workforce Information Grants to States for PY 2017.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEGL No. 26-16 (Issue Date: June 1, 2017)

    Guidance on the use of Supplemental Wage Information to implement the Performance Accountability Requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


    The purpose of this guidance is to provide sub-regulatory guidance on the requirements established by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and its implementing regulations regarding the use of supplemental wage information, when appropriate, to assist in carrying out the performance accountability requirements under section 116 of WIOA.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • UIPL No. 1-15, Change 2 (Issue Date: May 17, 2017)

    Removal of 20 CFR Part 620 - Occupations that Regularly Conduct Drug Testing for State Unemployment Compensation Eligibility Determination Purposes


    To inform states of the removal of 20 CFR Part 620 - Occupations that Regularly Conduct Drug Testing for State Unemployment Compensation Eligibility Determination Purposes and the effect on state unemployment compensation (UC) programs. This guidance rescinds Unemployment Insurance Letter (UIPL) No. 01-15, Change 1, issued on December 6, 2016.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEN No. 43-16 (Issue Date: May 16, 2017)

    Unemployment Insurance Call Center Study Final Report


    To advise state workforce agencies of the release and publication of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Call Center Study Final Report.

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017
  • TEN No. 42-16 (Issue Date: May 8, 2017)

    Release and Availability of the Report, Evidence-Building Capacity in State Workforce Agencies: Insights from a National Scan and Two State Site Visits


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of the report titled: Evidence-Building Capacity in State Workforce Agencies: Insights from a National Scan and Two State Site Visits, prepared by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA), and associated Training and Employment Notice (TEN).

    Program Year:2016
    Fiscal Year:2017