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  • TEN No. 28-06 (Issue Date: April 5, 2007)

    Employment & Training Administration (ETA) Grantee Financial and Administrative Forums


    To announce a fourth ETA-sponsored national training session on federal financial and administrative requirements to be held in 2007.

    Due to a high level of interest in the first three Financial and Administrative Forums, ETA is sponsoring a fourth session. The primary goal of this session is to provide in-depth guidance and technical support on ETA financial and administrative requirements. Topics for the forum include financial reporting, monitoring, procurement, indirect costs, salary and bonus limitations, audit requirements, and a host of other financial and administrative management topics. The forum will provide educational opportunities for state, local and discretionary grantees and enhance their understanding of the requirements of operating Federal grants. Fiscal and administrative staff working in ETA's formula and discretionary grant programs should attend. Interested program staff is also invited to attend.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 13-06, Change 1 (Issue Date: April 5, 2007)

    Instructions for Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act State Planning and Waiver Requests for Years Three and Four of the Strategic Five-Year State Plan (Program Years 2007 and 2008)


    TEGL No. 13-06, Change 1, has four purposes:

    • To inform states that May 1, 2007, is the revised deadline for submission of modifications of their State Strategic Plans for Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act (“the State Plan”) for years three and four of the current five-year planning cycle;

    • To announce an option for states with newly-elected governors to request an additional sixty days to submit their State Plan modifications;

    • To announce an electronic mail address for states to submit inquiries regarding the planning process to the Employment and Training Administration; and

    • To provide additional instructions to states for modifying their State Plans using the unified planning guidance issued on April 12, 2005.
    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • UIPL No. 16-07 (Issue Date: April 4, 2007)

    Solicitation for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Supplemental Budget Requests (SBRs) to Improve Information Technology (IT) Security


    To announce the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 funds to improve UI Information Technology Security.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 21-06 (Issue Date: April 4, 2007)

    Procedures for H-2B Temporary Labor Certification in Non-Agricultural Occupations


    To update procedures for State Workforce Agencies and ETA National Processing Centers to process H-2B labor certification applications in non-agricultural occupations.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 27-06 (Issue Date: April 3, 2007)

    Phase-Out of America’s Job Bank (AJB)


    To inform states and local areas about the phase-out of AJB, scheduled for June 30, 2007, and the transition actions that the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is conducting.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 20-06 (Issue Date: April 3, 2007)

    Reauthorization of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and Other Program Changes


    To announce the reauthorization of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program under the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-432) and provide procedural guidance to the states for processing requests for certification under the amended program.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 19-06 (Issue Date: March 30, 2007)

    Negotiating Performance Goals for the Workforce Investment Act Title 1B Programs and Wagner-Peyser Act Program for Program Years 2007 and 2008


    To inform states of the guidelines for negotiating Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title 1B performance and customer satisfaction goals and performance levels for the Wagner-Peyser Act Program for Program Year (PY) 2007 and PY 2008. These negotiated performance goals will be incorporated into the State Strategic Plans for the WIA and Wagner-Peyser Act as part of the modifications states will be making for Years Three and Four of the Strategic Five-Year State Planning cycle.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • UIPL No. 15-07 (Issue Date: March 29, 2007)

    Questions and Answers for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM) Paid Claims Accuracy (PCA) and Denied Claims Accuracy (DCA)


    To inform state workforce agencies of a revised and expanded series of BAM PCA/DCA questions and answers available on the Employment and Training Administration Web site, which supersedes questions and answers previously issued in Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) No. 28-02 (June 10, 2002) and UIPL No. 45-01 (July 27, 2001).

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • UIPL No. 14-07 (Issue Date: March 29, 2007)

    Guidelines for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 State Agency Unemployment Insurance (UI) Resource Allocations, Supplemental Budget Requests (SBRs), and Above-Base Funding


    To provide the following information for FY 2007: UI State Administration base resource allocations, general guidelines for resource planning, above-base funding, and SBRs.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 26-06 (Issue Date: March 27, 2007)

    Workforce Innovations 2007


    To announce Workforce Innovations 2007 to be held at the Kansas City, Missouri, Convention Center, July 17 – 19, 2007.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007