- TEN No. 26-08 (Issue Date: January 30, 2009)Subject
Release and Availability of Final Research Report on Ready4Work
PurposeTo announce the release and the availability of report titled Ready4Work: Final Research Report.
ActiveProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - TEN No. 27-08 (Issue Date: January 30, 2009)Subject
Release and Availability of An Evaluation of the Latino Coalition’s Reclamando Nuestro Futuro (Reclaiming our Future) Program
PurposeTo announce the release and availability of the report titled An Evaluation of the Latino Coalition’s Reclamando Nuestro Futuro (Reclaiming our Future) Program.
ActiveProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - UIPL No.10-09 (Issue Date: January 16, 2009)Subject
Treatment of Pension Rollover Distributions
PurposeTo advise states of an amendment to Federal unemployment compensation (UC) law that prohibits the reduction of UC due to nontaxable pension rollover distributions.
ActiveProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - TEN No. 25-08 (Issue Date: January 16, 2009)Subject
Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Advisory Checklists Update
PurposeTo provide checklists of all currently active ETA Advisories as well as checklists of all ETA Advisories rescinded/cancelled since the previously issued checklists.
ActiveProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - TEGL No. 10-08 (Issue Date: January 15, 2009)Subject
Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Foreign Labor Certification Grants – State Workforce Agency Allocations For January 1, 2009 Through March 6, 2009
PurposeTo advise State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) of their Foreign Labor Certification (FLC) grant allocations for the last 65 days of the FY 2009 Continuing Resolution (CR) in effect October 1, 2008, through March 6, 2009.
CanceledProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - TEGL No. 09-08 (Issue Date: January 14, 2009)Subject
Negotiating Performance Goals for the Workforce Investment Act Title IB Programs and Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities for Program Year 2009
PurposeTo inform states of the guidelines for negotiating Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title IB performance and customer satisfaction goals and performance levels for the Wagner-Peyser Act funded activities for Program Year (PY) 2009, including the option to extend PY 2008 negotiated goals for PY 2009. These performance goals, once they are agreed upon between the state and the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), will be incorporated into the State’s Strategic Plan for the WIA and Wagner-Peyser Act.
CanceledProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - TEN No. 24-08 (Issue Date: January 14, 2009)Subject
Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives’ Resources for Workforce System Administrators and Staff
PurposeTo inform the workforce system of the important Department of Labor resources that have been developed for faith-based and community initiatives. These resources educate workforce system administrators and staff in how best to partner with faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs) and how to integrate FBCOs into their strategic planning and service delivery process.
ActiveProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - UIPL No.09-09 (Issue Date: January 13, 2009)Subject
Interest Rate on Title XII Advances During Calendar Year (CY) 2009
PurposeTo announce the rate of interest the U.S. Treasury Department will charge on Title XII advances (loans) during CY 2009.
CanceledProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - UIPL No.06-09 (Issue Date: January 2, 2009)Subject
2009 Pay Adjustments for Annual Salary Rates for General Schedule (GS) Federal Employees in the 31 Locality Pay Areas
PurposeTo ensure State Workforce Agencies are aware of the locality-based salary rates for certain Federal civilian employees.
CanceledProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009 - UIPL No.04-09 (Issue Date: January 2, 2009)Subject
Revised Federal Schedule of Remuneration for Use in Determining Benefit Eligibility Under the Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) Program
PurposeTo ensure State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) are aware of the revised Remuneration Schedule for the UCX program, which was issued December 23, 2008, based on the January 1, 2009, military pay increase.
CanceledProgram Year:2008Fiscal Year:2009