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  • TEN No. 28-12 (Issue Date: March 27, 2013)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper - Green Jobs and Health Care Implementation Study Final Report


    To announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Paper - Green Jobs and Health Care Implementation Study Final Report.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • UIPL No. 14-13 (Issue Date: March 26, 2013)

    Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: April 1 – June 30, 2013


    To transmit the subject computation for State Workforce Agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared during the third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2013.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 21-12 (Issue Date: March 26, 2013)

    Updated Economically Disadvantaged Youth and Adult Data for use in Program Year (PY) 2013 and future Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth and Adult Within-State Allocation Formulas


    To advise states that economically disadvantaged Youth and Adult data for use in the WIA Youth and Adult within-state allocation formulas are available on the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Web site and that states should use this data in their PY 2013 and future within-state allocation formulas.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 19-12 (Issue Date: March 25, 2013)

    Program Year 2013 Planning Guidance and Grants Competition Waiver for National Farmworker Jobs Program Housing Grantees


    To inform National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) housing grantees of the waiver of the biennial grants competition and to convey planning guidance for Program Year (PY) 2013.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 20-12 (Issue Date: March 25, 2013)

    Rescission of TEGL No. 25-11


    To rescind Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 25-11, and inform the states that Program Year (PY) 2011 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Dislocated Worker program funds that were recaptured under WIA Title I Section 132 (c) will not be realloted.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 18-12 (Issue Date: March 25, 2013)

    Program Year 2013 Planning Guidance and Grants Competition Waiver for National Farmworker Jobs Program Employment and Training Grantees


    To inform National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) employment and training grantees of the waiver of the biennial grants competition and to convey planning guidance for Program Year (PY) 2013.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 27-12 (Issue Date: March 20, 2013)

    Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Projected Allotments Based on Updated Data Factors and Application of Reductions Required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (BBEDCA), as amended, for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Activities Programs, Wagner Peyser Act Employment Service Program (ES), and Workforce Information Grants to States.


    To assist states in their annual budget planning in the absence of a Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 full year appropriation, this Training and Employment Notice (TEN) provides states and outlying areas with advance notification of the potential impacts of applying current demographic and employment data on the allotment formulas for the WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities Programs; ES; and the Workforce Information Grants to States. The attached planning projections also reflect the reductions to FY 2013 discretionary funds required by the BBEDCA, more commonly referred to as “sequestration.”

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 26-12 (Issue Date: March 18, 2013)

    Release and Availability of the Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) What’s My Next Move? Guide on CareerOneStop


    To announce the release and availability of the What’s My Next Move? a guide to exploring careers online using electronic tools from the U.S. Department of Labor.  What’s My Next Move? was developed to support high school students in developing their education and career plans.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 35-11, Change 1 (Issue Date: March 18, 2013)

    Early Collection of Priority of Service Data for Post-9/11 Era Veterans under the Gold Card Initiative through Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities


    To inform states of the extended timeline for the collection of data on the provision of intensive services to Post-9/11 Era Veterans through the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service under the Gold Card Initiative.

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 17-12 (Issue Date: March 11, 2013)

    Responsibility of State Workforce Agency Administrators and State Monitor Advocates in Providing Services to Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers


    To provide guidance to State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) on the responsibilities of serving migrant and seasonal farm workers (MSFWs) through the American Job Center (also known as One-Stop Career Center) network and on the responsibilities of the State Monitor Advocates (SMAs).

    Program Year:2012
    Fiscal Year:2013