- TEGL No. 12-99 (Issue Date: May 17, 2000)Subject
Final Planning Allotments for Program Year (PY) 2000 Wagner-Peyser (W-P) Act Basic Labor Exchange Activities
PurposeTo provide the final planning allotments for PY 2000 basic labor exchange activities to the States, as required by Section 6(b)(5) of the W-P Act, as amended.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - GAL No. 1-00 (Issue Date: May 16, 2000)Subject
Availability and Use of Occupational Employment Statistics Survey Data for Alien Labor Certification Prevailing Wage Purposes
PurposeTo make State staff aware of the availability of new Occupational Employment Statistics Survey (OES) data and to provide information on how it is to be used in light of the changes to prevailing wage determination practices as promulgated by the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act (ACWIA); and to transmit Prevailing Wage Policy "Q's & A's" (Attachment A) which provide policy and procedural guidance clarifying the intent of General Administration Letter (GAL) No. 2-98, particularly with regard to the use of employer-provided wage data.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - UIPL No. 24-00 (Issue Date: May 15, 2000)Subject
Revised Coding Instructions for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM) Data Collection Instrument (DCI)
PurposeTo provide State Employment Security Agencies with instructions for using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to code industry data elements and the 1998 Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) / Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to code occupation data elements in the BAM DCI.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 19-99 (Issue Date: May 10, 2000)Subject
Distribution of the North American Free Trade Agreement-Trade Adjustment Act (NAFTA-TAA) Customer Satisfaction Measurement and Training Project Package
PurposeTo announce the production and distribution of the NAFTA-TAA Customer Satisfaction Measurement and Training Project Package.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEGL No. 11-99 (Issue Date: May 9, 2000)Subject
Joint Guidance on Strategies to Enhance the Recruitment, Referral, Eligibility Determination, and Service Provision Processes Between Welfare-to-Work, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and Child Support Enforcement Entities
PurposeTo transmit guidance developed jointly by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Labor (the Department). This guidance addresses challenges encountered by Welfare-to-Work (WtW), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Child Support Enforcement (CSE) entities in the provision of services to WtW participants, and seeks to assist States and local communities to improve WtW program operations and enhance inter-agency collaboration.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 18-99 (Issue Date: May 4, 2000)Subject
Ticket to Work and the Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999
PurposeTo provide information to the One-Stop service delivery system on new work incentives for individuals with disabilities.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 17-99 (Issue Date: April 24, 2000)Subject
Job Training Partnership Act On-line Electronic Reporting
PurposeTo transmit on-line electronic financial reporting instructions for JTPA Title II and III programs; and to set forth the data review and certification process.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 16-99 (Issue Date: April 12, 2000)Subject
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Section 188 Interim Final Rule and Accessibility Checklists for One-Stop Service Delivery Systems
PurposeTo provide information to assist One-Stop service delivery systems in developing accessible infrastructures and programmatic access for people with disabilities.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 15-99 (Issue Date: April 10, 2000)Subject
Promising and Effective Practices Network (PEPNet) for Youth
PurposeCanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - UIPL No. 20-00 (Issue Date: April 3, 2000)Subject
Minimum Weekly Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Benefit Amount: Apr. 1 - Jun. 30, 2000
PurposeTo transmit the subject computation for State Employment Security Agency (SESA) usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared during the third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2000.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000