- TEN No. 23-12 (Issue Date: February 28, 2013)Subject
UI Excellence in Action: States Helping States Move Forward
PurposeTo provide an update on the UI Excellence in Action initiative and announce the availability of exciting new tools designed to help states improve business processes in their unemployment insurance (UI) programs
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - UIPL No. 11-13 (Issue Date: February 20, 2013)Subject
Federal Military Pensions
PurposeTo ensure states are aware of the Federal military retired pay annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) provided by the Department of Defense.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - UIPL No. 12-13 (Issue Date: February 20, 2013)Subject
Revised Federal Schedule of Remuneration for Use in Determining Benefit Eligibility under the Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) Program
PurposeTo ensure states are aware of the revised Schedule of Remuneration for the UCX program that reflects the military pay increase and is effective April 1, 2013.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEGL No. 14-12 (Issue Date: February 20, 2013)Subject
2013 Federal Poverty Guidelines for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
PurposeTo issue the revised Federal poverty guidelines for SCSEP eligibility determinations.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEN No. 22-12 (Issue Date: February 19, 2013)Subject
Announcement of the 2012 Employment and Training Administration Research Papers Program
PurposeTo publicize the availability of funds for the 2012 Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Research Papers Program. This initiative will provide approximately $80,000 to fund approximately 10 projects of Doctoral students interested in writing scholarly, policy-relevant research papers on topics of interest to the public workforce investment system.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEN No. 21-12 (Issue Date: February 15, 2013)Subject
Administration of State and Local Technology-Based Learning (TBL) Surveys to State Workforce Agency Administrators and Local Workforce Investment Board Executive Directors, Respectively
PurposeTo alert State Workforce Agency Administrators and Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) Executive Directors that a study of TBL in the public workforce system is being implemented and their completion of the State TBL Survey and Local TBL Survey, respectively, will support this effort. The primary purpose of these surveys is to gather up-to-date information on TBL opportunities and usage at the state and local levels, and factors that influence its adoption and design in the public workforce system.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - UIPL No. 15-12, Change 2 (Issue Date: February 11, 2013)Subject
Unemployment Insurance Demonstration Projects under Section 305 of the Social Security Act
PurposeTo clarify the applicability of the able and available and work search requirements under section 303(a)(12) of the Social Security Act (SSA) to participants in demonstration projects permitted under section 305, SSA.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEGL No. 13-12 (Issue Date: February 8, 2013)Subject
ETA-9130 Quarterly U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration Financial Report Instructions
PurposeTo provide information and additional guidance about the ETA-9130 Financial Report (9130). This TEGL should be used as a supplemental resource to 9130 financial reporting. The 9130 reporting instructions are the primary sources for detailed instructions to complete the forms. Therefore, this TEGL does not contain information about all sections or line items on the 9130; rather it only covers areas where additional clarification or guidance will help ensure consistent and accurate financial reporting.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - UIPL No. 10-13 (Issue Date: February 4, 2013)Subject
Interest Rate on Title XII Advances During Calendar Year (CY) 2013
PurposeTo announce the rate of interest that the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) will charge on Title XII advances during CY 2013.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - UIPL No. 09-13 (Issue Date: January 29, 2013)Subject
Integrity Performance Measures for Unemployment Insurance (UI)
PurposeTo provide information on the definition and implementation of two UI Performs Core Measures for UI Integrity.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013