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  • TEN No. 32-15 (Issue Date: April 12, 2016)

    Directory of Federal Civilian and Military Agencies Requesting Quarterly Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees or Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers Detailed Benefit Payment Data


    To provide an updated directory of Federal agencies that request detailed Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) or Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) benefit payment data, which support the United States Department of Labor's (Department) quarterly unemployment compensation billings.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 18-15 (Issue Date: April 6, 2016)

    Program Year 2016 Grant Plan Instructions and Allotments for Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) State and Territorial Grant Applicants


    To provide SCSEP state and territorial grant applicants with application instructions, procedures, and allotments for Program Year (PY) 2016 funds, with a period of performance beginning July 1, 2016.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 17-15 (Issue Date: April 5, 2016)

    Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities Program Allotments for Program Year (PY) 2016; Final PY 2016 Allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES) Program Allotments; and Workforce Information Grants to States Allotments for PY 2016


    To provide States and outlying areas with WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities program allotments for PY 2016; final allotments for PY 2016 for the Wagner-Peyser ES Program, as required by section 6(b)(5) of the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended; and the Workforce Information Grants to States allotments for PY 2016.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • UIPL No. 13-16 (Issue Date: April 1, 2016)

    Procedures for the Completion and Publication of Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM) Data for Improper Payment Information Act (IPIA) Reporting Year 2016


    To provide State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) guidelines and key dates for the completion of IPIA 2016 UI BAM paid and denied claims sample cases and the publication of IPIA 2016 BAM data.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • UIPL No. 12-16 (Issue Date: March 29, 2016)

    Implementation of Sequestration under the Budget Control Act of 2011 for Mandatory Unemployment Insurance Programs for Fiscal Year 2016


    To provide information to State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) about application of sequestration in Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, how the Department of Labor (Department) will apply sequestration to mandatory Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs and on delayed benefit payments from prior fiscal years, and the resulting administrative costs.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • UIPL No. 11-16 (Issue Date: March 29, 2016)

    Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: April 1 - June 30, 2016


    To transmit the subject computation for State Workforce Agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared during the third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2016.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 16-15 (Issue Date: March 25, 2016)

    Four-Year SCSEP State Plan Requirements for Program Years 2016-2019


    To inform all SCSEP state and national grantees about the requirements for the SCSEP State Plan as mandated by the 2006 Older Americans Act (OAA) Amendments. Due to the requirements of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014, there have been some changes to the submission process for the SCSEP State Plans. This Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) provides guidance for the SCSEP portion of the State Plan.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 15-15 (Issue Date: March 24, 2016)

    Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Foreign Labor Certification (FLC) Grant Planning Guidance


    To provide guidance for the funding and management of FY 2016 annual grant allocations in order to perform FLC program activities.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEN No. 31-15 (Issue Date: March 18, 2016)

    Release and Availability of a Final Report, Exploring the Role and Adoption of Technology-Based Training and Employment Services


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of a final report, Exploring the Role and Adoption of Technology-Based Training and Employment Services.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 29-14, Change 4 (Issue Date: March 10, 2016)

    The Department Restores the Reduced Adult and Dislocated Worker Funding Available October 2015 to the Original Appropriated Amounts and Uses Transition Authority to Forgo Recapture and Reallotment of Program Year (PY) 2015 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Funds.


    This guidance informs states that the Department will not reallot PY 2015 funds among states based on obligations made during PY 2014, as indicated in TEGL 29-14, Change 1. This is a one-time occurrence allowing states to use Rapid Response funds for WIOA implementation activities, as referred in TEGL 26-14. This guidance also provides States and outlying areas with revised WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker PY 2015 program allotments, which became available to states in October 2015. The Change 3 to TEGL 29-14 revised the funding available to states on October 2015 to reflect the 0.2108 percent reduction enacted in the short-term Continuing Appropriations Act for FY 2016. This Change 4 to TEGL 29-14 rescinds the 0.2108 percent reduction and fully restores appropriated original funding.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016