3691 to 3700 of 3793 results
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  • UIPL No. 07-91 (Issue Date: November 21, 1990)

    Grant Award for the Delivery of Technical Assistance to State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) in Unemployment Insurance Quality Control (UIQC) Program Improvement (PI) Study Design and Implementation


    1. To announce a grant award to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry for a technical assistance (TA) program to aid SESAs in the design and implementation of Unemployment Insurance PI studies and

    2. To provide information regarding the project work plan, including the TA that the grantee will offer the State agencies during the 18-month grant period.
    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1991
  • UIPL No. 03-91 (Issue Date: November 7, 1990)

    Governor's Requests for Repayable Title XII Advances from the Federal Unemployment Account


    To provide updated procedural requirements for the preparation of requests for Title XII advances or voluntary repayments submitted by States. This directive replaces UIPL 48-86 dated July 11, 1986.

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1991
  • UIPL No. 02-91 (Issue Date: October 29, 1990)

    Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) for Major Disasters that Occur Durinq the First Quarter of FY 1991 (October 1 thru December 31, 1990)


    To transmit AWBA for major disasters that occur during the first quarter of FY 1991 (October 1 thru December 31, 1990).

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1991
  • UIPL No. 01-91 (Issue Date: October 6, 1990)

    Unemployment Insurance Service Quality Control State Operations 1991 Table of Random Numbers


    To provide State employment security agencies (SESAs) with the Table of Random Numbers to be used during calendar year (CY) 1991 when selecting the Quality Control (QC) sample cases.

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1991
  • UIPL No. 45-90 (Issue Date: September 28, 1990)

    Directory of State Agency Interstate Program Coordinators


    To forward the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of SESA Interstate Program Coordinators.

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1990
  • UIPL No. 42-90 (Issue Date: September 14, 1990)

    The U.S. Supreme Court's Decision of April 17, 1990 in Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith


    To advise the State agencies of the United States Supreme Court's decision in the Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, decided on April 17, 1990.

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1990
  • DINAP Bulletin 90-11 (Issue Date: September 10, 1990)

    Dissemination of office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars and Department of Labor (DOL) Regulations


    To distribute 1) recently issued OMB Circular A-133 - Audits of Institutions, of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Institutions, and 2) distribute other OMB Circulars and DOL administrative regulations pertaining to Federal grants and cooperative agree

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1990
  • UIPL No. 40-90 (Issue Date: August 22, 1990)

    Model Trust Fund Accounting and Reporting System for the Unemployment Insurance Program


    To transmit, for State employment security agencies' (SESA) information and consideration for possible future use, a report prepared by the Department of Labor's Office of Inspector General (OIG), containing a model trust fund accounting system for state unemployment insurance (UI) programs including a model chart of accounts and related financial report data.

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1990
  • UIPL No. 39-90 (Issue Date: August 14, 1990)

    Taxation of Unemployment Insurance Benefits, IRS Form 1099-G, Statement for Recipients of Certain Government Payments


    To transmit revised Form 1099-G to be used by State employment security agencies (SESAs) when notifying claimants of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits paid during calendar year 1990.

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1990
  • UIPL No. 36-90 (Issue Date: July 10, 1990)

    Merged DD Forms 214


    To inform State Employment Security Agencies’ of merged DD Forms 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, issued by the military branches of the Department of Defense (DOD), that may be presented by claimants when filing for unemployment compensation under the Unemployment Compensation for Ex-servicemembers (UCX) Program.

    Program Year:1990
    Fiscal Year:1990