2431 to 2440 of 3794 results
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  • GAL No. 3-01 (Issue Date: March 28, 2001)

    The Use of Sheepherders for Vegetation Management


    To provide policy clarification and procedural guidance for the processing of nonagricultural sheep and goat herder applications as H-2A .

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • UIPL No. 26-01 (Issue Date: March 20, 2001)

    Directory of Individuals to Contact on State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Tax and Tax Performance System (TPS) Matters


    To transmit to State employment security agencies (SESAs) a revised directory of State individuals to contact for information on UC tax matters. TPS reviewers are also listed.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • TEGL No. 16-00 (Issue Date: March 19, 2001)

    Availability of Funds to Support Planning Projects that Enhance Youth Connections and Access to the One-Stop System


    To provide guidance to local areas on how to apply for funds to support planning projects for Local Workforce Investment Boards and Youth Councils to enhance youth connections and access to the One-Stop delivery system.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • GAL No. 2-01 (Issue Date: March 14, 2001)

    Designation of Centralized Location in Each State for the Processing of H-2A Applications.


    To distribute a list of the centralized H-2A processing locations in each State.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • UIPL No. 21-97, Change 1 (Issue Date: March 12, 2001)

    Procedures for the Transfer of State Unemployment Insurance (UI) Resources for State-Specific Services Provided by the UI Information Technology Support Center (ITSC)


    To disseminate modifications to the subject procedures.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • RAL No. 1-01 (Issue Date: March 12, 2001)

    Instructions for Reporting Withholding Information on the ETA 2112


    To clarify instructions contained in ETA Handbook No. 401 for completing the ETA 2112.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • ESPL No. 3-01 (Issue Date: March 9, 2001)

    Notice of Anticipated Significant Increase in new Permanent Labor Certification Applications Received In FY 2001


    To provide notice of an expected significant increase in new Permanent Labor Certification applications as a result in a recent change in the Immigration and Nationality Act, and provide recommendations for actions to support the intentions of the change in the Act while recognizing the constraints under current regulations and budget limitations.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • ESPL No. 2-01 (Issue Date: March 9, 2001)

    Clarification of Amendment to Section 51(i)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Dealing With "Qualifying Rehires" and to Vocational Rehabilitation Referral Statutory Definition under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Program and the Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit.


    To clarify the amendment to Section 51(i)(2) of the IRC dealing with "qualifying rehires," and to identify the period of time requirement for referral of individuals from vocational rehabilitation programs as this applies to the WOTC and WtW tax credits.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • TEIN No. 13-00 (Issue Date: March 9, 2001)

    Consultation Paper on Labor Exchange Performance Measurement System


    To notify all appropriate workforce development system agencies of the labor exchange performance measurement system that the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) proposes to implement for the public labor exchange during program year (PY) 2001. This system will consist of three components: (1) a set of labor exchange performance measures, (2) reporting requirements for labor exchange services and performance outcomes, and (3) procedures for establishing performance goals that State agencies and ETA can use in assuring the delivery of high quality labor exchange services. This notice conveys ETA's current position on the framework for the labor exchange performance measurement system in order to facilitate planning for implementation beginning July 1, 2001.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001
  • ESPL No. 5-01 (Issue Date: March 9, 2001)

    New O*NET Career Exploration Tools


    To inform State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) that the U.S. Employment Service/America's Labor Market Information System (USES/ALMIS) within the Office of Workforce Security will be supplying States with starter kits and an initial supply of three new Occupational Information Network (O*NET) career exploration tools. These tools are intended for use within local One-Stop Centers to enhance the range of services available to job seekers. This initial supply will introduce these tools to State and local One-Stop Centers through SESAs.

    Program Year:2000
    Fiscal Year:2001