- TEN No. 01-05 (Issue Date: July 11, 2005)Subject
Release of On-Line Training Resources on Implementation of Common Measures for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth Programs and Wagner-Peyser Programs
PurposeActiveProgram Year:2005Fiscal Year:2005 - TEGL No. 01-05 (Issue Date: July 6, 2005)Subject
New Rules Allowing Use of WIA Title I Financial Assistance for Religious Training and Employment, and Making Other Changes to Religion-Related Regulations Governing Recipients of DOL Support Including the One-Stop Career Center Service Delivery System and the Job Corps
PurposeTo notify all State Workforce Agencies (SWA) and other stakeholders within the One-Stop Career Center service delivery system that amendments to DOL regulations permit the use, in defined circumstances, of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I financial assistance for training and employment of WIA participants in religious activities. The amendments also clarify other religion-related requirements government both the workforce investment system and other recipients of Federal support from the Department of Labor (DOL or the Department). This guidance explains and interprets the amendments and requires various action to implement them.
CanceledProgram Year:2005Fiscal Year:2005 - TEGL No. 37-04 (Issue Date: June 30, 2005)Subject
Program year 2005 Planning Instructions and Allotments for All Applicants
PurposeTo provide all SCSEP applicants with grant application instructions and procedures for Program Year (PY) 2005 beginning July 1, 2005
CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005 - UIPL No. 24-05 (Issue Date: June 17, 2005)Subject
Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: July 1 - September 30, 2005
PurposeTo transmit the subject computation for State Workforce Agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared during the fourth quarter of fiscal year (FY) 2005.
CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005 - UIPL No. 23-05 (Issue Date: June 17, 2005)Subject
Reauthorization of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Data Validation (DV) Program
PurposeTo announce the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to extend data collection to support the UI DV program.
CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005 - UIPL No. 25-05 (Issue Date: June 17, 2005)Subject
Call Memo for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Unemployment Insurance (UI) State Quality Service Plan (SQSP)
PurposeTo initiate the FY 2006 SQSP process and to issue supplemental instructions for the State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) to use to prepare the FY 2006 SQSP.
CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005 - TEGL No. 35-04 (Issue Date: June 2, 2005)Subject
Program Year (PY) 2005 Comprehensive Services Program and Suplemental Youth Services Program Funding Allotment and Recommended Performance Levels
PurposeTo transmit planning guidance on the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 166 two-year plan for the PY 2004-2005 Comprehensive Services Program (CSP) and the Supplemental Youth Services Program (SYSP) funding allotments and recommended performance levels for PY 2005.
CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005 - TEGL No. 16-03, Change 2 (Issue Date: May 24, 2005)Subject
Use of National Emergency Grant (NEG) Funds Under the Workforce Investment Act, as Amended, to support Activities Related to the 2005 Defense Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC2005) Commission.
PurposeTo announce the availability of NEG funds to help states initiate early community planning to ensure an effective workforce investment system response to worker impact that may result from the closure and realignment actions as a result of BRAC2005 and to provide assistance for workers and spouses affected by BRAC2005 final actions.
Although this TEGL is being provided to all states, only those states that may be affected (as evidenced by the announcement of recommendations of the Secretary of Defense on May 13, 2005) are eligible to apply for NEG funds for this purpose.CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005 - TEGL No. 34-04 (Issue Date: May 19, 2005)Subject
Revision to Program Year 2004 Funds for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs and Final Planning Allotments for Program Year (PY) 2005 Wagner-Peyser (W-P) Act Basic Labor Exchange Activities
PurposeTo provide:(a) guidance on the rescission of Fiscal Year(FY) 2005 Adult and Dislocated Worker Program formula funds for PY 2004 as required by Public Law(P.L.) 108-447, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005, and )b) the Final Planning Allotments for PY 2005 basic labor exchange activities to the states by Section 6(b)(5) of the W-P Act, as amended.
CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005 - TEGL No. 33-04 (Issue Date: May 17, 2005)Subject
Planning Guidance and Application Instructions for Program Year (PY) 2005 Workforce Information Core Products and Services: Workforce Information Formula Allocations to States
PurposeTo transmit guidance for the development and management of the PY 2005 Workforce Information Core Products and Services Grant Plan.
CanceledProgram Year:2004Fiscal Year:2005