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  • TEN No. 44-11 (Issue Date: May 10, 2012)

    Encouraging Enhanced Partnerships and Collaboration between the Workforce Investment System and Registered Apprenticeship Programs


    To encourage workforce investment system leaders to develop and enhance partnerships and resource-leveraging efforts with Registered Apprenticeship programs in order to increase job seekers’ access to career pathways utilizing Registered Apprenticeship. Although state and local workforce system budgets continue to be constrained and high growth employment opportunities are very scarce in this economy, partnering with Registered Apprenticeship is a proven way to improve placements for job seekers looking for a sustainable career, as well as to engage with employers in communities seeking to improve the skills of their workforce.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEGL No. 28-11 (Issue Date: May 9, 2012)

    Program Year 2011/Fiscal Year 2012 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines


    To inform and to remind the workforce investment system of the performance reporting requirements and associated timelines for submitting the reports for the following programs/activities:

    • quarterly and annual reports and data validation results for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) title IB programs and National Emergency Grants (NEGs);
    • quarterly reports and data validation results for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service;
    • activities authorized under chapter 41 of title 38 United States Code (Local Veterans’ Employment Representative and Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Programs);
    • the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program,
    • the Indian and Native American Program (INAP); and
    • the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP).
    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • UIPL No. 17-12 (Issue Date: May 9, 2012)

    Unemployment Insurance (UI) State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) Messaging and Communications Toolkit Availability


    To provide information on the availability of a UI SIDES Messaging and Communications Toolkit (Toolkit) containing products and tools designed for use by state UI agencies to communicate with employers and third-party administrators (TPAs) about the offerings and benefits of SIDES and SIDES E-Response.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 43-11 (Issue Date: May 8, 2012)

    Overview of the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP), section 211 of the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011


    To provide the public workforce system with an overview of VRAP, the role of the system in implementing the program, and inform the system that additional information will be made available as procedures and protocols for implementing the program are finalized.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 42-11 (Issue Date: May 7, 2012)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Reports: Impact of the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Initiative; Department of Labor Report to Congress on FY 2009 Appropriation for Reemployment and Eligibility Assessments; and Impact of the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Initiative in Nevada


    To announce the release and availability of three ETA reports: Impact of the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Initiative; Department of Labor Report to Congress on FY 2009 Appropriation for Reemployment and Eligibility Assessments; and Impact of the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Initiative in Nevada.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 41-11 (Issue Date: May 7, 2012)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper – Green Jobs and Health Care Implementation Study: Interim Report


    To announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Paper – Green Jobs and Health Care Implementation Study: Interim Report.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEGL No. 27-11 (Issue Date: May 2, 2012)

    Program Year (PY) 2012 Workforce Information Grants to States (WIGS): Policy and Program Guidance, Application Instructions, and Formula Allocations


    To provide policy and program guidance for the development, management, and delivery of Labor Market Information and Workforce Information (LMI-WI) core and special information services to state and local workforce investment boards (WIBs), One-Stop Career Centers, businesses, other employers, and the job-seeking public.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEGL No. 26-11 (Issue Date: April 30, 2012)

    Program Year 2012 Planning Instructions and Allotments for Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) State and Territorial Grant Applicants


    To provide SCSEP state and territorial grant applicants with application instructions, procedures, and allotments for Program Year (PY) 2012 funds, with a period of performance beginning July 1, 2012.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEGL No. 25-11 (Issue Date: April 24, 2012)

    Reallotment of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I Formula-Allotted Funds for Dislocated Worker Activities


    To provide adjusted funding levels for Program Year (PY) 2011 allotments for the Dislocated Worker program under WIA Title I Section 132(c) on recapture and reallotment.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • UIPL No. 15-12 (Issue Date: April 19, 2012)

    Unemployment Insurance Demonstration Projects under Section 2102 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-96)


    To provide guidance to states on how to apply for, and the requirements for approval of, demonstration projects provided in Title II of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, which is officially named the Extended Benefits, Reemployment, and Program Integrity Improvement Act.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012