- GAL No. 07-94 (Issue Date: December 28, 1993)Subject
Operating Instructions for Implementing the Amendments to the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers Program in Title V of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Implementation Act.
PurposeTo assist the States with implementing the Transitional Adjustment Assistance Program in Title V of the NAFTA Implementation Act. These operating instructions shall remain in effect until superseded or supplemented by further operating instructions or un
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - GAL No. 06-94 (Issue Date: December 22, 1993)Subject
Transitional Adjustment Assistance Provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
PurposeTo provide preliminary information on Title V of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act and State responsibilities for a new worker adjustment assistance program.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - GAL No. 06-94 (Issue Date: December 22, 1993)Subject
Transitional Adjustment Assistance Provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)
PurposeTo procide perliminary informatin on Title V of the North America Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act and State responsibilities for a new worker adjustment assistance program.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - UIPL No. 08-94 (Issue Date: December 21, 1993)Subject
Request for Information to Update the Compendium of State Unemployment Insurance Operations, Organizations and Relationships
PurposeTo request information from the State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) which will be used to update the Compendium of State Unemployment Insurance Operations, Organizations and Relationships (Compendium).
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - GAL No. 04-94 (Issue Date: December 17, 1993)Subject
Program Letters Extended for Period August 1, 1993 - September 30, 1993
PurposeTo inform State employment security agencies of program letters that have been extended for the above period.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - GAL No. 03-94 (Issue Date: December 2, 1993)Subject
Certifications Waiving Workers' Participation in Training Under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program
PurposeTo ensure that States follow correct procedures in providing training waivers for workers in the TAA Program.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 25-93 (Issue Date: November 23, 1993)Subject
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Youth Assessment and Program Design Options Technical Assistance Guides
PurposeTo announce the publication and distribution of: -- "Assessment for At-Risk Youth: A Practitioner's Guide to Definitions, Guiding Principles, and Implementation Strategies"; -- "Assessment for At-Risk Youth: A Decision Maker's Summary
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - UIPL No. 07-94 (Issue Date: November 18, 1993)Subject
The Incorporation and Treatment of Revisions to the 3-Month Average Total Unemployment Rate Used As a Trigger Mechanism for the Extended Benefits (EB) Program
PurposeTo provide State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) with information regarding the incorporation and treatment of revisions to the 3-month average total unemployment rate (TUR) used as an alternative trigger for the EB Program.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 24-93 (Issue Date: November 18, 1993)Subject
Workplace Literacy Test Implementation Pilot Project
PurposeTo invite participation in a Workplace Literacy Test (WLT) Implementation Pilot Project.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - UIPL No. 06-94 (Issue Date: November 17, 1993)Subject
Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) Where the Date of the Disaster Occurs During the First Quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 1994 (October 1 through December 31, 1993)
PurposeTo transmit the AWBA for each State for the first quarter of FY 1994.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994