1891 to 1900 of 3795 results
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  • UIPL No. 01-07 (Issue Date: October 3, 2006)

    ETA 191, Statement of Expenditures and Financial Adjustments of Federal Funds for Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees and Ex-Servicemembers (UCFE/UCX)


    To announce the extension of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval of Form ETA 191, Statement of Expenditures and Financial Adjustments of Federal Funds for Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees and Ex-Servicemembers.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 06-06 (Issue Date: September 26, 2006)

    Foreign Labor Certification National Training for State Workforce Agencies on Standards Governing Review of Temporary Program Applications and Determining Prevailing Wage Rates


    To notify State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) of training on foreign labor certification programs being offered by ETA in early December 2006. The training opportunity will update SWA staff on policy guidance regarding prevailing wage determinations, discuss the transition to processing temporary labor certification applications through the National Processing Centers (NPCs), and reinforce standards and timeframes for the review and preparation of employer applications for temporary labor certification.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEN No. 13-06 (Issue Date: September 22, 2006)

    National Employ Older Workers Week – September 24-30, 2006.


    To announce the designation of September 24-30, 2006, as National Employ Older Workers Week and to encourage State Workforce Agencies, State and Local Workforce Investment Boards and One-Stop Career Centers to provide leadership in activities to promote National Employ Older Workers Week.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEN No. 12-06 (Issue Date: September 14, 2006)

    Service to Minority Populations by National and State Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Grantees


    To assure that all SCSEP national and state grantees focus efforts on helping minorities gain and continue access to the program, especially through the transition period ending October 1, 2006.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEN No. 11-06 (Issue Date: September 6, 2006)

    Partnership with Univision to Promote Health Care Careers to Hispanics


    To inform states and local areas about a newly formed partnership to promote careers in Health Care to Hispanics.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEN No. 10-06 (Issue Date: August 16, 2006)

    Award of Program Year 2006 National Senior Community Service Employment Program Grants


    To announce the results of the Program Year (PY) 2006 competition of the national Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) grants.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEN No. 08-06 (Issue Date: August 15, 2006)

    Release and Availability of ETA Occasional Paper 2006-03: Evaluating Grants to Build Collaborations Between the Workforce Investment System and Faith- and Community-Based Organizations: Early Findings


    To announce the release and the availability of ETA Occasional Paper 2006-03: Evaluating Grants to Build Collaborations Between the Workforce Investment System and Faith- and Community-Based Organizations: Early Findings

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEN No. 09-06 (Issue Date: August 15, 2006)

    Timeline for Program Year (PY) 2005 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Performance Reporting and PY 2005 Data Validation (all programs)


    To remind the workforce investment system of the WIA performance reporting deadlines and timeline for submitting data validation results for the following programs: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title IB, the Wagner-Peyser Act, activities authorized under chapter 41 of title 38, United States Code (Local Veterans Employment Representative and Disabled Veteran Outreach Service programs), Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), and National Farmworker Jobs (NFJP).

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEGL No. 05-06 (Issue Date: August 15, 2006)

    Implementing the Salary and Bonus Limitations in Public Law 109-234


    To inform states and other Employment and Training Administration (ETA)-fund recipients and sub-recipients of a new limitation on salary and bonus payments that can be made with funds appropriated to ETA and provide guidance on implementing this new provision.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006
  • TEN No. 07-06 (Issue Date: August 15, 2006)

    Release and Availability of ETA Occasional Paper 2006-02: Building Relationships Between the Workforce Investment System and Faith-Based and Community Organizations: A Background Paper


    To announce the release and the availability of ETA Occasional Paper 2006-02: Building Relationships Between the Workforce Investment System and Faith-Based and Community Organizations: A Background Paper.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2006