- UIPL No. 3-91, Change 3 (Issue Date: August 4, 1993)Subject
Governor's Request for Repayable Title XII Advances from the Federal Unemployment Account
PurposeTo provide State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) with current FAX numbers for the Unemployment Insurance Service (UIS) National Office and the Office of Regional Management (ORM) when advance notification of interest payments and Title XII loan reque
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - UIPL No. 03-91, Change 3 (Issue Date: August 4, 1993)Subject
Governor's Request for Repayable Title XII Advances from the Federal Unemployment Account
PurposeTo provide State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) with current FAX numbers for the Unemployment Insurance Service (UIS) National Office and the Office of Regional Management (ORM) when advance notification of interest payments and Title XII loan requests are being FAXED.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 03-92 (Issue Date: July 31, 1993)Subject
JTPA Reporting Requirements for Program Year (PY) 1992
PurposeTo advise State JTPA Liaisons that the required JTPA Program reports used last year will continue to be used for PY 1992, as discussed below, and to provide information on the JTPA Annual Fall MIS Conferences.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 05-93 (Issue Date: July 30, 1993)Subject
JTPA Standardized Program Information Report Instructions
PurposeTo transmit to States instructions for the preparation of the JTPA Standardized Program Information Report (SPIR) for JTPA program participants.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 14-93, Change 1 (Issue Date: July 30, 1993)Subject
Notification of OMB Approval of Revision and Extension of Worker Adjustment Formula Financial Report, ETA 9041
PurposeTo inform States of OMB approval of the revision and extension of the Worker Adjustment Formula Financial Report, ETA 9041.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 14-93, Change 1 (Issue Date: July 30, 1993)Subject
Notification of OMB Approval of Revision and Extension of Worker Adjustment Formula Financial Report, ETA 9041.
PurposeTo inform States of OMB approval of the revision and extension of the Worker Adjustment Formula Financial Report, ETA 9041.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - GAL No. 12-93 (Issue Date: July 29, 1993)Subject
Program Letters Extended for Period June 1, 1993 - June 30, 1993
PurposeTo inform State employment security agencies of program letters that have been extended for the above period.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - UIPL No. 35-93 (Issue Date: July 23, 1993)Subject
Directory of Individuals to Contact on State Unemployment Compensation Tax Matters
PurposeTo transmit a revised directory of individuals to contact for information on unemployment compensation (UC) tax matters.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 04-93 (Issue Date: July 22, 1993)Subject
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Case Management Technical Assistance Guide
PurposeTo announce the publication and distribution of "A Guide to Case Management "For At-Risk Youth--Second Edition," a technical assistance guide (TAG) published to support full implementation of the 1992 Amendments to the JTPA.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993 - UIPL No. 33-93 (Issue Date: July 20, 1993)Subject
Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) Where the Date of the Disaster Occurs During the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 1993 (July 1 through September 30, 1993)
PurposeTo transmit the AWBA for each State for the fourth quarter of FY 1993.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1993