- UIPL No. 05-94 (Issue Date: November 17, 1993)Subject
Upgrades to the SESAs' Unemployment Insurance (UI) Computer Systems Used for Required Reporting and Quality Control (QC) Programs
PurposeTo advise States that replacement Central Processing Units (CPUs) have been ordered for the SESAs' UI computer systems used for Required Reporting and to run QC applications, and that associated software will be upgraded.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 22-93 (Issue Date: November 15, 1993)Subject
Announcement of Program Year (PY) 1994/1995 Title III Planning Process
PurposeTo provide information on the revised Title III planning guidelines for PY 1994 and PY 1995.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 23-93 (Issue Date: November 15, 1993)Subject
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Financial Management Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) Train-the-Trainer Sessions
PurposeTo announce the schedule, participation criteria, and registration procedures for JTPA Financial Management sessions associated with the TAG currently being developed to support full implementation of the 1992 Amendments to the JTPA.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - UIPL No. 03-94 (Issue Date: November 10, 1993)Subject
Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)--List of Federal Agency Addresses for State Agency Use When Processing UCFE Claims
PurposeTo provide a listing of appropriate Federal agency addresses for use by State agency personnel when processing UCFE claims.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - UIPL No. 04-94 (Issue Date: November 10, 1993)Subject
Air Force Administrative Changes
PurposeTo inform State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) of recent Air Force administrative changes.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 20-93 (Issue Date: October 29, 1993)Subject
New DOL Report -- Labor Shortage Case Studies
PurposeTo notify the States of the availability of a new publication -- "Labor Shortage Case Studies." The report details results of an evaluation study conducted for the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) by James Bell Associates, Inc., of Arlington,
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 21-93 (Issue Date: October 29, 1993)Subject
Edit Checks for JTPA Financial Reports -- PY 1993
PurposeTo submit PY 1993 edit check listings for the JTPA Quarterly Status Report (JQSR), the Worker Adjustment Formula Financial Report (WFFR) and the revised Dislocated Worker Special Project Report (DWSPR) for Program Year 1993.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - TEIN No. 19-93 (Issue Date: October 28, 1993)Subject
New DOL Report -- Finding One's Way: Career Guidance for Disadvantaged Youth
PurposeTo notify the States of the availability of a new publication -- "Finding One's Way: Career Guidance for Disadvantaged Youth." The report was prepared for ETA by Public/Private Ventures (P/PV), of Philadelphia.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - GAL No. 02-94 (Issue Date: October 27, 1993)Subject
Alternative Extended Benefit (EB) Triggers - High Unemployment Period
PurposeTo provide clarification of the requirements for the determination of extended compensation entitlement during a "high unemployment period" (HUP).
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994 - GAL No. 12-92, Change 5 (Issue Date: October 27, 1993)Subject
Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991, as Amended -- Clarification
PurposeTo provide State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) with a clarification of the instructions for the administration of Section 102(b)(2)(B) of P.L. 102-318.
CanceledProgram Year:1993Fiscal Year:1994