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  • TEN No. 41-10 (Issue Date: May 17, 2011)

    Announcement of Building the Next Generation On-the-Job-Training Toolkit


    This Training and Employment Notice (TEN) serves to issue a follow-up announcement of the Building the Next Generation On-the-Job-Training (OJT) Toolkit. The OJT Toolkit is a compendium of policies, templates, and promising practices to support state workforce agencies and local OJT providers who are beginning to implement OJT or who are enhancing their OJT efforts. Since the initial announcement, ETA has continued to add resources such as the Quick Start Action Planner. The website can be accessed at https://ojttoolkit.workforce3one.org/

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEN No. 40-10 (Issue Date: May 16, 2011)

    Joint Letter in Support of Indian and Native American Youth Work Experiences on Public and Tribal Lands


    To encourage the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) Section 166-Indian and Native American Youth Program grantees to partner with public and tribal land management agencies within the U.S. Departments of Interior and Agriculture in an effort to increase work experience opportunities for Indian and Native American youth on public and tribal lands.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEN No. 39-10 (Issue Date: May 13, 2011)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper:  Examining a New Model for Prisoner Re-Entry Services: the Evaluation of Beneficiary Choice


    To announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Paper: Examining a New Model for Prisoner Re-Entry Services: the Evaluation of Beneficiary Choice.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEGL No. 27-10 (Issue Date: May 11, 2011)

    Program Year 2010/Fiscal Year 2011 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines


    To inform and remind the workforce investment system of the performance reporting requirements and associated timelines for submitting quarterly and annual reports and data validation results for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) title IB programs and National Emergency Grants (NEG); Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service; activities authorized under chapter 41 of title 38 United States Code (Local Veterans’ Employment Representative and Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Programs); the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program; the Indian and Native American Program (INAP); and the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). This guidance also specifies that the 2011 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) supplemental reports requirements will be the final ARRA reports.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEGL No. 25-10 (Issue Date: May 10, 2011)

    Program Year 2011 Planning Instructions and Allotments for SCSEP Grant Applicants


    This guidance provides SCSEP grant applicants with application instructions, procedures, and allotments for Program Year (PY) 2011 funds, with a period of performance beginning July 1, 2011.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEGL No. 26-10 (Issue Date: May 10, 2011)

    Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities Program Allotments for Program Year (PY) 2011; Final PY 2011 Allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service Program Allotments; and Workforce Information Grants to States Allotments for PY 2011.


    To provide states with WIA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Activities program allotments for PY 2011; final allotments for PY 2011 Wagner-Peyser Employment Service (ES) Program, as required by section 6(b)(5) of the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended; and the Workforce Information Grants to States allotments for PY 2011.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEGL No. 24-10 (Issue Date: May 9, 2011)

    Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Data Element Validation for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010


    To provide states with notice that TAA data element validation is not required for FY 2010.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEN No. 38-10 (Issue Date: May 9, 2011)

    Release and Availability of seven Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Papers from the ETA Research Papers Program


    To announce the release and availability of seven ETA Occasional Papers prepared by doctoral and post-doctoral students with competitively awarded funding as part of the ETA Research Papers Program.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEN No. 37-10 (Issue Date: May 4, 2011)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper, Evaluation of the Technology-Based Learning Grants Interim Report


    To announce the release and availability of the ETA Occasional Paper, Evaluation of the Technology-Based Learning Grants Interim Report, prepared by Social Policy Research (SPR) Associates.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011
  • TEGL No. 23-10 (Issue Date: May 3, 2011)

    Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriations for Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration, Training and Employment Services and Rescission to Program Year (PY) 2010 Funds for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs


    This Training and Employment Guidance Letter has two purposes: A. To provide states and local areas with an overview of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 appropriations (P.L. 112-10) for the following DOL-managed employment and training services: WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth formula funds, Employment Service Grants to States, the Workforce Innovation Fund, Dislocated Worker National Reserve funds, YouthBuild, the Indian and Native American Program, the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program, the Career Pathways Innovation Fund, the Green Jobs Innovation Fund, the Reintegration of Ex-Offenders, and the Community Service Employment for Older Americans (CSEOA) program, also known as the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). B. To provide guidance on and the amount of FY 2011 Adult and Dislocated Worker Program formula funds for PY 2010 to be rescinded for each state as required by Public Law (P.L.) 112-10, Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2011