- TEN No. 36-12 (Issue Date: May 22, 2013)Subject
Release and Availability of the Employment and Training Administration Report: Evaluation of the National Farmworker Jobs Program.
PurposeTo announce the release and availability of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) report: Evaluation of the National Farmworker Jobs Program
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEN No. 34-12 (Issue Date: May 16, 2013)Subject
Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Papers: Evaluation of the Aging Worker Initiative: Interim Report and Evaluation of the Aging Worker Initiative: Final Report
PurposeTo announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Papers: Evaluation of the Aging Worker Initiative: Interim Report and Evaluation of the Aging Worker Initiative: Final Report.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEN No. 35-12 (Issue Date: May 16, 2013)Subject
Release and Availability of the Comparison of State Unemployment Insurance Laws 2013
PurposeTo announce the release and availability of the Comparison of State Unemployment Insurance Laws 2013.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEGL No. 30-12 (Issue Date: May 15, 2013)Subject
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Funding Allotments for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013
PurposeTo provide the State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) with final funding allotments for the administration of the WOTC program through September 30, 2013.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEGL No. 10-11, Change 2 (Issue Date: May 13, 2013)Subject
Change 2 to the Operating Instructions for Implementing the Amendments to the Trade Act of 1974 Enacted by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011 (TAAEA)
PurposeTo respond to questions from State Workforce Agencies designated by Governors as “Cooperating State Agencies” (also jointly referred to as “states”) that administer the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program, as amended by the TAAEA.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEGL No. 27-12 (Issue Date: May 10, 2013)Subject
Funds Administration Flexibility for Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) Title I and Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 (W-P Act) Funds
PurposeThe purpose of this Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) is to articulate flexibility available for WIA Title I and W-P Act programs that may be helpful for managing Program Year (PY) 2013 sequestration and rescission-related formula funding reductions.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEGL No. 28-12 (Issue Date: May 10, 2013)Subject
Program Year (PY) 2013 Planning Instructions and Allotments for Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Grantees
PurposeTo provide SCSEP Grantees with application instructions, procedures, and allotments for PY 2013 funds with a period of performance beginning July 1, 2013.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEGL No. 29-12 (Issue Date: May 10, 2013)Subject
Program Year (PY) 2013 Workforce Information Grants to States (WIGS): Policy and Program Guidance, Application Instructions, and Formula Allocations
PurposeTo provide policy and program guidance for the development, management, and delivery of Labor Market Information and Workforce Information (LMI-WI) funded through WIGS for services to job seekers, employers, educators, economic developers, and others.
CanceledProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - TEN No. 33-12 (Issue Date: May 8, 2013)Subject
Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration Occasional Paper: Implementation Evaluation of the Community-Based Job Training Grant (CBJTG) Program
PurposeTo announce the release and availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper: Implementation Evaluation of the Community-Based Job Training Grant (CBJTG) Program.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013 - UIPL No. 17-13 (Issue Date: May 6, 2013)Subject
Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Unemployment Insurance (UI) Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Grants
PurposeTo invite state workforce agencies to submit proposals for a grant to continue or to implement a UI REA program, and to provide guidelines for FY 2013 UI REA grants.
ActiveProgram Year:2012Fiscal Year:2013