Advisory Opinions

Requests for interpretations and other rulings under Title 1 of ERISA are handled by the Office of Regulations and Interpretations under the provisions established by ERISA Procedure 76-1.  The office answers inquiries from individuals and organizations in the form of advisory opinions, which apply the law to a specific set of facts, or information letters, which merely call attention to well established principles or interpretations.

Data Dictionary

AO/ Date/ Reference Recipient Description of Request

Ms. Christine Phillips
Oregon Department of Insurance and Finance
21 Labor and Industries Building, Room 440-2
Salem, Oregon 97310

Whether the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. (AGC) Health Benefit Trust (the Trust) is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) within the meaning of section 3(40) of title I of ERISA and therefore subject to the applicable regulatory authority of the State of Oregon.


Mr. Michael J. Angelini
Senior Investigator
New Jersey Department of Insurance
200 West State St.  CN 329
Trenton, NJ  08625-0329

Whether the Joint Economic Total Trust (the Trust), also known as the Midwest Benefits Trust, is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) within the meaning of section 3(40) of title I of ERISA and therefore subject to the applicable regulatory authority of the State of New Jersey.


Christine Phillips
Insurance Division
Department of Insurance and Finance
Room 440-2, 21 Labor and Industries Building
Salem, Oregon 97310

Whether the Health Services Association Health Plan (HSA Plan) is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) within the meaning of Section 3(40) of title I of ERISA. Whether the preemption provisions of ERISA would not preclude state regulation of the HSA Plan at least to the extent provided in section 514(b)(6)(A).


Mr. Malcom C. Wells
Policy and Rate Analyst
West Virginia Insurance Commission
2019 Washington Street, East
Charleston, West Virginia  25305

Whether the Stop Loss Concepts Employee Benefit Trust (the Trust) is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) within the meaning of section 3(40) of that title and therefore subject to applicable state insurance commission regulation.


Ms. Mary Nance
Texas State Board of Insurance
110 San Jacinto
Austin, Texas 78701-1998

Whether the United Dairy Association Benefit Plan (the Plan) is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) within the meaning of section 3(40) of title I of ERISA, and whether the Plan is subject to the applicable regulatory authority of the State of Texas.

AO/ Date/ Reference Recipient Description of Request

Mr. Neil K. Rector
Deputy Director
Ohio Department of Insurance
2100 Stella Court
Columbus, Ohio 43266-0566

Whether the Select Business Development Trust (the Trust) is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) within the meaning of section 3(40) of title I of ERISA and, if so, whether the Trust is fully insured within the meaning of section 514(b)(6)(A) of that title.


Mr. Joseph V. Demarte
Lane Powell Moss & Miller
3800 Rainier Bank Tower
Seattle, Washington 98101-2647

Whether the Court Order that was issued in a probate proceeding and would recognize an interest in pension benefits of the surviving spouse solely on the basis of the state community property law is considered a "domestic relations order" within the meaning of section 206(d)(3)(B)(ii) of ERISA and is enforceable against the Plan.


Ms. Ellen O. Pfaff
Lane Powell Moss & Miller
3800 Rainier Bank Tower
Seattle, Washington 98101-2647


Whether the Court Order that was issued in a probate proceeding and would recognize an interest in pension benefits of the surviving spouse solely on the basis of the state community property law is considered a "domestic relations order" within the meaning of section 206(d)(3)(B)(ii) of ERISA and is enforceable against the Plan.


Mr. Bradley W. Hanson
Hughes, Thoreen & Sullivan
110 South 6th Avenue
Suite 200
P.O. Box 1187
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302-1187

Whether the Plan constitutes a church plan within the meaning of section 3(33) of title I of ERISA and, accordingly, whether the plan is excluded from the requirements of title I of ERISA by section 4(b)(2) thereof.


Ms. Ruel D. Norman
Texas State Board of Insurance
1110 San Jacinto
Austin, Texas 78701-1998

Whether the Agriculture Producers & Associates Employee Benefit Trust (the Trust) is a multiple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) within the meaning of section 3(40) of title I of ERISA and, if so, whether the State of Texas may require the Trust to obtain a certificate of authority from the State.