Citaciones a la autoridad legal

Citations to Legal Authority in Documents
Filed with the Board

Citations Generally

The ARB follows the principles provided in the latest edition of the Bluebook System of Citation for legal citations in its decisions and recommends that parties practicing before the ARB follow those principles in their filings as well.

ARB Citations

New (Optional) ARB Case Citation
[Westlaw/LexisNexis Reference Added]

Parties practicing before the Board are also encouraged (but not required) to include the citation number provided by the legal research database for each ARB decision cited. For example, a case found on Westlaw would be cited as:

  • Complainant v. Respondent, ARB No. 2021-0000, ALJ No. 2020-00000, slip op. at [page number], 2021 WL 0000000 (ARB Jan. 1, 2021).

Standard ARB Citations

Citations to decisions issued by the ARB are formatted in the following manner:

  • Complainant v. Respondent, ARB No. 2021-0000, ALJ No. 2020-00000, slip op. at [page number] (ARB Jan. 1, 2021).

If an ARB case includes several ARB or ALJ case numbers, separate the numbers by commas and retain the hyphen for the second ARB or ALJ number.

  • Complainant v. Respondent, ARB Nos. 2021-0000, -0001, ALJ Nos. 2020-00000, -00001, slip op. at [page number] (ARB Jan. 1, 2021).

Citations to decisions issued by an ALJ are formatted in the following manner:

  • Complainant v. Respondent, ALJ No. 2020-00000, -00001, slip op. at [page number] (ALJ Jan. 1, 2021).

If an ARB or ALJ decision has already been cited in the filing, a party may use a short cite for citations to the decision thereafter.

  • Complainant, ARB No. 2021-0000, slip op. at [page number].

Citations to Regulatory and Statutory Authority

Citations to regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations are formatted in the following manner:

  • [Title number] C.F.R. § [section number] (date).
  • Example: 29 C.F.R. § 1978 (2020).

Citations to statutes in the United States Code are formatted in the following manner:

  • [Title number] U.S.C. § [section number] (date).
  • Example: 49 U.S.C. § 31105 (2007).