Please visit our new elaws VETS-4212 Federal Contractor Reporting Advisor to assist in determining if your company needs to submit a VETS-4212 report. This advisor will help you gather all the necessary information to submit your VETS-4212 report.


Due to extreme call volume during the VETS-4212 filing cycle, we ask that our improved VETS-4212 frequently asked questions (FAQs) section be used to answer any questions contractors may experience regarding filing the VETS-4212 Reports.

Program Overview

The U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) and Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs (OFCCP) have supported affirmative actions to employ and advance in employment of covered veterans since 2008. As legislatively mandated under 38 U.S. Code Section 4212, codified at 41 CFR 61-300, contractors and subcontractors who enter into, or modify a contract or subcontract with the federal government, and whose contract meets the criteria set forth in the above legislation / regulations, are required to report annually on their affirmative action efforts in employing veterans. Data reported through form VETS-4212 is used by OFCCP in compliance evaluations.

You can find more information in the VETS-4212 rules and regulations:

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Reporting Threshold

Although the Section 503 and VEVRAA statutes themselves have not been amended, in 2004 Congress enacted Section 807 of the Ronald Reagan National Defense Authorization Act which is codified at 41 U.S.C. 1908, which requires the Federal Acquisition Regulation Council (FAR Council) to review the dollar threshold amounts in certain federal agency procurement-related laws every five years to determine whether they need to be adjusted for inflation. As a result of these reviews, the FAR Council has implemented inflationary adjustments of acquisition-related dollar thresholds for Section 503 and VEVRAA. While OFCCP's regulations at 41 CFR 60-300 and 41 CFR 60-741 do not currently reflect these inflationary adjustments, OFCCP has adopted the FAR Council's adjusted thresholds for determining whether a contractor is covered by Section 503 and VEVRAA regulatory requirements.

The current reporting threshold is $150,000.

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How to File Your VETS-4212 Report

Filing Period

The official filing cycle is yearly, August 1 to September 30. Reports filed outside the official filing cycle will be treated as part of the currently active filing cycle.

The 2024 filing cycle begins August 1, 2024.

Submitting Form VETS-4212

Federal contractors and subcontractors who are required to file form VETS-4212 can submit their forms electronically by using either the VETS-4212 Reporting Application or batch filing process, or by using the paper form by email or U.S. mail. We recommend that you file your form electronically.

Filing Electronically

Filing Using the Paper Form

First, download the 2024 form VETS-4212 file (PDF) or EEO-1 Aligned VETS-4212 file (PDF). After you complete the form, you can submit the form via email at vets4212-customersupport@dolncc.dol.gov or U.S. mail at:

VETS-4212 Submission
Veterans' Employment and Training Service Center
Department of Labor National Contact Center (DOL-NCC)
3110 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 800
Falls Church, VA 22042

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions on how to register, log in, and access your company’s VETS-4212 Reporting Application?

Have questions on how to fill out and complete your company's VETS-4212 Report?

Have questions on how to submit your company’s VETS-4212 Report or about previously submitted VETS-4212 Reports?

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Batch Filing Information

Batch file requirements have changed from prior years, below are the current batch file instructions. If you have any questions about batch filing your VETS-4212 Report, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions about Batch Upload Filing.

Have questions on how to submit multiple VETS-4212 Reports?

Confirmation of Filing

Upon the successful submission of VETS-4212 Report(s), federal contractors will receive an email confirmation of receipt for their records. These confirmation notifications should be used as verification of submission by federal contracting officers (CO) when obligating funds to an awarded contract.

The copy of a submitted report is not required by VETS to suffice for a confirmation / validation of submission.

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Filing Verification

Federal Contracting Officers can download a list of employers that have filed form VETS-4212 for fiscal years 2022 and 2023.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding VETS-4212 reports, please contact VETS customer support at 1-866-237-0275 or contact the VETS Service Desk via email at vets4212-customersupport@dolncc.dol.gov.

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Additional Resources

Updated July 31, 2024