Effective July 16, 2024, the Health and Welfare Fringe Benefit Rates increased for those affected Service Contract Act wage determinations. The low-level (employee-by-employee) benefit is $5.36 per hour or $214.40 per week or $929.07 per month. If you receive a wage determination that does not contain the new Health and Welfare rate of $5.36, please contact WHD via email at the address listed below. For contracts performed in the State of Hawaii; contracts subject to Executive Order 13706 on sick leave, or if there are any questions, please refer to All Agency Memorandum Number 246 (PDF) or contact WHD via phone or email listed below. Contracting agencies may make pen and ink changes to their current WDs received for contracts beginning on or after July 16, 2024, and for which the updated H&W rates were not included.
Executive Order (EO) 14026, effective January 30, 2022, generally applies to contracts subject to the Service Contract Act or the Davis-Bacon Act entered into, renewed, or extended on or after January 30, 2022. EO 14026 sets a minimum wage of $17.75 per hour for workers performing on or in connection with such contracts for calendar year 2025.
Executive Order (EO) 13658 generally applies to contracts subject to the Service Contract Act or the Davis-Bacon Act awarded between January 1, 2015, and January 29, 2022, and not renewed or extended on or after January 30, 2022. EO 13658 sets a minimum wage of $13.30 per hour for workers performing on or in connection with such contracts for calendar year 2025.
With inquiries about Service Contract Act policies, wage rates and/or benefits, please call (202) 693-0073 or email WHD-WDS-PolicySupport@dol.gov.
If you need technical assistance or are experiencing difficulties with this form, please call (202) 515-2666 or email WHD-WDS-TechnicalSupport@dol.gov.Thank you!