Attention: This bulletin has been superseded and is inactive.



Issue Date: March 29, 2002


Effective Date: March 11, 2002


Expiration Date: March 29, 2003


Subject: Department of Labor verification of employment at certain facilities

Background: Since the inception of the Energy Employees' Occupational Illness Compensation Program, the Department of Energy (DOE) has been responsible for conducting employment verifications for each claim received by the Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC). For certain atomic weapon employer (AWE) facilities and beryllium (Be) vendor facilities, DOE did not initially have access to personnel records that could verify employment. In order to overcome this difficulty, DOE made arrangements with corporate entities to obtain information concerning past or present employees of particular facilities. These corporate verifiers had access to personnel records that were otherwise unavailable to the government. Using information collected from these corporate verifiers, DOE was able to complete form EE-5. Unfortunately, the DOE was unable to identify a corporate verifier for some of the AWE or Be vendor facilities. For employees who worked at a facility for which there are no employment records and no corporate verifier, DOE has been unable to conduct employment verification.

In an effort to streamline the process of employment verification, the DEEOIC will assist DOE in the process of verifying employment for employees who worked at AWE and Be vendor facilities for which corporate verifiers have been identified. In addition, for those facilities for which the DOE has not identified a corporate verifier and does not have access to employment records, DOL will request employment information from the claimant, and if necessary, the Social Security Administration (SSA).

The DOE has produced three lists naming facilities for which they (1) are unable to obtain any employment verification documentation, (2) have identified a corporate employment verifier or (3) have access to employment records. The CE will reference these lists to ascertain the correct routing procedure for employment verification.

Reference: 20 CFR 30.105

Purpose: To notify the District Offices of the process for verifying employment at certain AWE or Be vendor facilities.

Applicability: All staff.


1. Attached to this bulletin are three lists (Attachments 1, 2 and 3). The lists are designated as follows:

List 1: No Corporate Verifier

This list provides the names of AWE and Be vendor facilities where the DOE has no employment records and has not been able to locate a verifier.

List 2: Known Corporate Verifiers

This list provides the names of AWE and Be vendor facilities where the DOE has identified a corporate entity that owns the facilities' employment records. Moreover, the list will provide specific instructions for how each corporate entity is to be contacted with requests for employment verification.

List 3: DOE Verifiers

This list provides the names of AWE and Be vendor facilities where the Department of Energy, or one of its contractors, owns the employment records, and DOE is able to verify employment directly.

2. Each list should be maintained by the District Office and distributed to all CEs. When necessary, revision to the lists will be transmitted to the district offices in the form of an updated bulletin.

3. Resource centers no longer submit employment verification packages to the DOE. Instead all new claim packages prepared at a resource center are referred directly to the responsible District Office (DO). Once received by the DO, the case create clerk will input the appropriate tracking data and refer the claim to the appropriate claims examiner (CE).

4. Upon receipt of a new primary claim, the CE is to determine whether a covered condition is being claimed on the EE-1 or EE-2. If there is no indication that a covered condition is claimed, the CE is to develop medical documentation to establish the existence of a covered condition. A primary claim is not to be developed for employment verification unless a covered condition has been claimed.

5. After it is determined that a covered medical condition has been claimed, the CE is to review the employment history provided on the EE-3, Employment History form. For each potential DOE employer, contractor or subcontractor, AWE, or Be employer, the CE will need to determine the course of action necessary to obtain employment verification. This process begins with a comparison of the claimed employers provided on the EE-3 and lists 1, 2 or 3.

6. If the CE reviews the employment history and notes a claimed employer from List 1 or 2, a single copy of the DOE Verification of Employment Memorandum is to be printed out and spindled to the case file (Attachment 4). This memorandum substitutes for the EE-5. The insertion of the memo into the case file record will serve as DOE's response to the claimed employment.

7. For a claimed employer appearing on List 1: No Corporate Verifier, the CE will first review any evidence substantiating the period of employment. This evidence can include contemporaneous evidence, such as wage statements, tax documentation, union records, pension information or affidavits. The CE must determine whether the documentation is sufficient to verify the entire claimed period of employment. It is not necessary for the evidence to be so conclusive as to substantiate the employment beyond all possible doubt. However, the evidence should be of sufficient quality to convince the CE of the validity of the period of employment being claimed. The CE should apply reasonable discretion in weighing any evidence submitted by a claimant.

The CE should be aware of the fact that the amount of documentation required depends on the type of claim. For a claim of beryllium illness, the evidence need only establish the presence of the employee at a designated vendor. Conversely, for a cancer claim, the CE would need to verify the entire period of employment being claimed. The CE can accept as factual any period of employment for which there is sufficient and reliable documentation.

If the evidence is deficient for any period of claimed employment, the CE is to prepare correspondence to the claimant requesting additional information. Attached to the request should be a blank SSA-581 form (Attachment 5). The SSA-581 authorizes the release of earnings information from the Social Security Administration. The CE should advise the claimant in the cover letter that the SSA-581 should be completed for the reason that it may become necessary for the Department of Labor to obtain earnings records from the Social Security Administration. Once the correspondence is prepared and released to the claimant, ECMS is to be updated with a DE status code.

The claimant should be provided up to thirty days to respond. If after 30 days, the claimant does not produce any new evidence or provides evidence that does not support the period of claimed employment, the CE should prepare the case for referral to the SSA. The CE, at his or her discretion, can grant an extension to the period of time the claimant may take to produce documentation. However, the period of time permissible is not to exceed sixty days.

The package to SSA should include a cover letter requesting SSA to perform an earnings search on the named employee. Attached to the cover letter should be SSA form 581 that indicates the name of the employee, employee SSN, and the years of employment to be researched. In addition, a signed release from the claimant must be attached. Upon release of the package to the SSA, the CE will input code SS.

Depending on the response from the SSA, the CE is to either accept the period of employment as verified or deny the claimed period of employment due to lack of viable documentation. The CE should document receipt of the SSA response by entering code SR into ECMS.

8. For any employer named appearing on List 2: Known Corporate Verifiers, the CE is to review the "Contacting Instructions" provided by the DOE. This is an attachment to List 2 that provides details concerning how a CE is to contact individual corporate verifiers. Each corporate verifier has particular requirements concerning the information to be provided. These corporations have no obligation to supply information to DOL, as there is no formal contract or payment to them. Therefore, it is important that the CE complies with the instructions listed in the "Contacting Instructions."

It is not necessary for the CE to submit a copy of documentation from the case file to the corporate verifier. Instead, a cover letter providing the details of the request should be submitted. In most instances, the cover letter will include the employee name, SSN, date of birth, employer name and the dates of claimed employment. The CE will input code CS into ECMS, to represent a request for evidence from a corporate verifier.

Once the CE has received a response from the corporate verifier, code CR should be entered into ECMS. Any response should then be reviewed to determine if it is sufficient to verify the claimed period of employment. If the corporate verifier affirms the entire period of employment being claimed, the CE is to accept the period as factual. If the corporate verifier is unable to substantiate the claimed period of employment or can substantiate a portion of it, the CE is to request additional information from the claimant. In particular, the CE will need to advise the claimant that the DOL has been unable to verify employment for certain dates through independent means. Moreover, the claimant is to submit any contemporaneous documentation substantiating employment for any unverified period of employment. Code DE should be input in any instance where the CE is sending an inquiry to the claimant requesting employment evidence. Upon receipt of additional evidence, the CE will review it to determine whether it is sufficient to make a finding accepting the claimed period of employment as factual.

9. For any employer named that appears on List 3: DOE Verifiers, the CE will need to prepare an employment package for referral to the DOE Workers' Advocacy Office in Germantown, Maryland. The DOs should follow the same routine that has been in place for case referrals to the Germantown office. The referral package will contain an EE-5 form with the top portion completed by the CE, a copy of the primary claim form and a copy of the EE-3 Employment History form. The package will then be sent to the Germantown Office for the EE-5 to be completed. ECMS will be updated with the ES status code. When DOE completes the EE-5 and returns it to the DO, the CE should update ECMS with the ER status code. If DOE verifies the period of claimed employment, the CE should accept the employment period as factual. Otherwise, the CE should prepare a request for the claimant to submit any contemporaneous documentation substantiating the period of claimed employment. ECMS should be updated with the DE status code in this instance. If the claimant is unable to provide reliable evidence sufficient to establish the claimed period of employment, the CE is to issue a finding that employment at the named facility has not been substantiated.

10. Any other employment claimed by the employee should continue to be verified through the appropriate operations center listed on the EEOICPA Claims Routing Guidance list.

Disposition: Retain until incorporated in the Federal (EEOICPA) Procedure Manual.


Director, Division of Energy Employees

Occupational Illness Compensation

Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act:

Employment Verifications:

List 1: No Corporate Verifier

Listed below are those facilities which appear on the Department of Energy (DOE) Covered Facilities List which meet the following criteria:

1. The Department of Energy has no employment records pertaining to them.

2. The Department of Energy has not been able to locate a corporate entity which does own these facilities employment records.

This list will be periodically updated.

Facility Name Location

(As it appears on the DOE Covered Facilities List):

Aliquippa Forge Aliquippa, PA

Also Known As: Vulcan Crucible Steel Co.
Also Known As: Universal Cyclops, Inc.

Anaconda Co. Waterbury, CT

Also Known As: Anaconda Co.
Also Known As: American Brass Co.
Also Known As: Fabric Metal Goods Plant

and West Tube Mill
Also Known As: Anamet, Inc.

Armour Research Foundation Chicago, IL

Also Known As: ARF
Also Known As: Illinois Institute of Technology
Also Known As: IIT

Associated Aircraft Tool

and Manufacturing Co. Fairfield, OH

Also Known As: Force Control Industries
Also Known As: Fairfield
Also Known As: Former Dixie Machinery ownership

Birdsboro Steel & Foundry Birdsboro, PA

Clarksville Facility Clarksville, TN

Also Known As: Ft. Campbell
Also Known As: Mason & Hanger - Clarksville Base

Copperweld Steel Warren, OH

Crane Co. Chicago, IL

Dana Heavy Water Plant Dana, IN

Also Known As: Wabash River Ordance Works

Dow Chemical Company Walnut Creek,CA

Also Known As: Pittsburg, CA

Du Pont Deepwater Works Deepwater, NJ

Also Known As: Du Pont Deepwater Works
Also Known As: Chambers Chemical and Dye Works
Also Known As: E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co.
Also Known As: Dyeworks-Carney's Point
Also Known As: Deepwater Dyeworks

Du Pont-Grasselli Research Laboratory Cleveland, OH

Also Known As: Standard Oil of Ohio

Edgerton Germeshausen & Grier, Inc. Boston, MA

Frankfort Arsenal Philadelphia,PA

Gerity-Michigan Corp. Adrian, MI

Also Known As: successor to Canton Drop Forging

and Manufacturing

GSA 39th Street Warehouse Chicago, IL

Also Known As: Resco Air Conditioning and Heating Co.

Heppenstall Co. Pittsburgh, PA

Also Known As: Tippins Inc

Horizons, Inc. Cleveland, OH

Also Known As: Celcon Metals Co.
Also Known As: Lamotite, Inc.

Lake Ontario Ordnance Works Niagara Falls, NY

Also Known As: LOOW
Also Known As: Niagara Falls Storage Site (NFSS)

La Pointe Machine and Tool Co. Hudson, MA

Madison Site (Speculite) Madison, IL

Also Known As: Madison Site (Speculite)

Middlesex Sampling Plant Middlesex, NJ

Also Known As: MSP

Mitts & Merrel Co. Saginaw, MI

Also Known As: Genesse Packing Co.

Monsanto Chemical Co. Dayton, OH

Also Known As: Scioto Laboratory
Also Known As: Dayton Project

National Beryllia Haskell, NJ

Also Known As: Cercom Quality Products
Also Known As: General Ceramics

National Bureau of Standards,

Van Ness Street Washington, DC

Also Known As: University of the District of Columbia

Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC

Oliver Corp. Battle Creek,MI

Painesville Site (Diamond Magnesium Co.) Painesville, OH

Also Known As: Uniroyal
Also Known As: Lonza Chemical

Philadelphia Naval Yard Philadelphia,PA

Also Known As: Abelson's Pilot Plant
Also Known As: Koppers Co.
Also Known As: Naval Boiler & Turbine Laboratory

Picatinny Arsenal Dover, NJ

Pinellas Plant Clearwater, FL

Seneca Army Depot Romulus, NY

Seymour Specialty Wire Seymour, CT

Also Known As: Reactive Metals Inc.
Also Known As: National Distillers and Chemical Co.
Also Known As: Bridgeport Brass Co.

Shattuck Chemical Denver, CO

Also Known As: Dawn Mining Corp.
Also Known As: Denn Mining Corp

Simonds Saw and Steel Co. Lockport, NY

Also Known As: Simonds Saw and Steel Div., Guteri

Special Steel Corp.
Also Known As: Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp.

South Albuquerque Works Albuquerque, NM

Also Known As: American Car and Foundry
Also Known As: ACF Industries, Inc.

Superior Steel Co. Carnegie, PA

Also Known As: Copper Weld Inc.
Also Known As: Lot and Block 102J210

United Nuclear Corporation Hematite, MO

Also Known As: Mallinckrodt Chemical Works,

Chemicals Div.

University of California Berkeley, CA

Also Known As: California Resources & Development

Vitro Manufacturing (Canonsburg) Canonsburg, PA

Also Known As: Vitro Manufacturing (Canonsburg)
Also Known As: Vitro Rare Metals Co.

Vulcan Tool Co. Dayton, OH

Westinghouse Atomic Power East Pittsburgh, PA

Development Plant

Also Known As: East Pittsburgh Plant

Westinghouse Electric Corp. (New Jersey) Bloomfield, NJ

Also Known As: North American Phillips Lighting

Winchester Engineering

and Analytical Center Winchester, MA

Also Known As: U.S. Public Health Service; N.E. Radiological Laboratory
Also Known As: Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory
Also Known As: National Lead Co.
Also Known As: AEC Raw Materials Development Laboratory

Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act:

Employment Verifications:

List 2: Known Corporate Verifiers


Contact Instructions

Listed below are those facilities which appear on the Department of Energy (DOE) Covered Facilities List which meet the following criteria:

1. The Department of Energy has no employment records pertaining to them.

2. The Department of Energy has located a corporate entity which owns employment, or other, records which enable the corporate entity to verify the employment of people who used to work for these facilities.

3. The Department of Energy will provide contact information for DOL to use in requesting information from corporate verifiers. This information will arrive under separate cover.

This list will be periodically updated.

Facility Name Location

(As it appears on the DOE Covered Facilities List):

Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Watervliet, NY

Allied Chemical Corp. Plant Metropolis, IL

Also Known As: General Chemical Division

Aluminum Co. of

America (Pennsylvania) New Kensington, PA

Also Known As: Aluminum Research Laboratories
Also Known As:
New Kensington Works (of ALCOA)

Pine and 9th Sts

America Chain and Cable Co. Bridgeport, CT

Armco-Rustless Iron & Steel Baltimore, MD

Also Known As: Armco Steel


Ashland Oil Tonawanda, NY

Also Known As: Ashland #1
Also Known As: Ashland #2
Also Known As: Ashland Oil Company
Also Known As: Haist Property
Also Known As: E. Haist and co owners

Babcock & Wilcox Co. (Virginia) Lynchburg, VA

Also Known As: Tubular Products Div., Lone Star Tech

Baker-Perkins Co. Saginaw, MI

Also Known As: APV Chemical Company

Beryllium Corporation

of America (Hazleton) Hazleton, PA

Also Known As: Cabot Corporation
Also Known As: Beryllium Corp. of America (Ashmore)
Also Known As: Berylco
Also Known As: Kawecki-Berylco

Beryllium Corporation

of America (Reading) Reading, PA

Also Known As: Kawecki-Berylco
Also Known As: Berylco
Also Known As: NGK Metals Corp.
Also Known As: Cabot Corporation
Also Known As: Beryllium Corp. of America (Tuckerton)

Beryllium Production Plant

(Brush Luckey Plant) Luckey, OH

Also Known As: Brush Beryllium
Also Known As: Luckey Site

Bethlehem Steel Lackawana, NY

Bliss & Laughlin Steel Buffalo, NY

Also Known As: B & L Steel
Also Known As: Niagara Cold Drawn

Blockson Chemical Co. Joliet, IL

Also Known As: Blockson Chemical Group
Also Known As: Olin Mathieson
Also Known As: Olin

Bridgeport Brass Co. Adrain, MI

Also Known As: Bridgeport Brass Co.
Also Known As: Uranium Metal Extrusion Plant
Also Known As: General Motors, Chevrolet Mfg. Div.
Also Known As: National Distillers and Chemical Corp.
Also Known As: Martin
Also Known As: A.C. Spark Plug

Bridgeport Brass Co.,

Havens Laboratory Bridgeport, CT

Also Known As: Reactive Metals, Inc.
Also Known As: Piedmont Mfg.

Brush Beryllium Co. (Detroit) Detroit, MI

Brush Beryllium Co. (Cleveland) Cleveland, OH

Also Known As: Brush Wellman Co.
Also Known As: Motor Wheel Corp.
Also Known As: Magnesium Reduction

Brush Beryllium Co. (Elmore) Elmore, OH

Brush Beryllium Co. (Lorain) Lorain, OH

Carboloy Co. Detroit, MI

Also Known As: General Electric Metallurgical Products Department

Ceradyne, Inc. Santa Ana, CA

Chapman Valve Indian Orchard, MA

Also Known As: Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co.
Also Known As: Crane Co.

Cinicnnati Milling Machine Co. Cincinnati, OH

Also Known As: Cincinnati Milacron, Inc.

Combustion Engineering Windsor, CT

Also Known As: Asea Brown Boveri

Connecticut Aircraft

Nuclear Engine Laboratory (CANEL) Middletown, CT

Also Known As: Pratt and Whitney Corp.
Also Known As: Connecticut Advanced Nuclear Engineering Lab
Also Known As: United Aircraft Corp.

Coors Porcelain Golden, CO

Also Known As: Coors Ceramic

Electro Metallurgical Niagara Falls, NY

Also Known As: ElectroMet Corp.
Also Known As: Umetco Minerals Corp.
Also Known As: Union Carbide Corp.
Also Known As: Electro-Metallurgical Corp.


Elk River Reactor Elk River, MN

Also Known As: Elk River Facility
Also Known As: United Power Association

Fenn Machinery Co. Hartford, CT

Also Known As: Fenn Manufacturing Co.

Fenwal, Inc. Ashland, MA

General Atomics La Jolla, CA

Also Known As: GA
Also Known As: Division of General Dynamics
Also Known As: John Jay Hopkins Laboratory for Pure

and Applied Science

General Electric

Co.(Ohio) Cincinnati/

Evendale, OH

Also Known As: GE Evendale
Also Known As: GE Cincinnati
Also Known As: GE Lockland
Also Known As: Air Force Plant 36

General Electric Plant

(Indiana) Shelbyville, IN

General Electric Vallecitos Pleasanton, CA

Granite City Steel Granite City, IL

Also Known As: Old Betatron Building
Also Known As: General Steel Castings

Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor Hallam, NE

Also Known As: Hallam Nuclear Power Facility
Also Known As: HNFP
Also Known As: Nebraska Hallam Nuclear Power Facility

Harshaw Chemical Co. Cleveland, OH

Also Known As: HarshawFiltrol Partners
Also Known As: Uranium Refinery

Heald Machine Co. Worcester, MA

Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Co. Hamilton, OH

Also Known As: Herring Hall and Marvin Safe Co.
Also Known As: Diebold Safe Co.
Also Known As: HHM Safe


Hooker Electrochemical Niagara Falls, NY

Also Known As: Hooker Chemical Co.
Also Known As: Occidental Chemical Corp.
Also Known As: Occidental Chemical Corp., Speciality Chemical Div.
Also Known As: Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corp.

Huntington Pilot Plant Huntington, WV

Jessop Steel Co. Washington, PA

Koppers Co., Inc. Verona, PA

LaCrosse Boiling

Water Reactor LaCrosse, WI

Ladish Co. Cudahy, WI

Linde Air Products Buffalo, NY

Also Known As: Linde Air Products Div. Of Union Carbide Corp.
Also Known As: Linde
Also Known As: Linde Center
Also Known As: Chandler Plant
Also Known As: Chandler Street Plant
Also Known As: Linde Chandler Plant

Linde Ceramics Plant Tonawanda, NY

Also Known As: Tonawanda Laboratory
Also Known As: Linde Air
Also Known As: Praxair

Mallinckrodt Chemical Co.,

Destrehan St. Plant St. Louis, MO

Also Known As: St. Louis Downtown Site

Massachusetts Institute

of Technology Cambridge, MA

Also Known As: MIT, Hood Building

McDaniel Refractory Co. Beaver Falls, PA

Also Known As: Vesuvius McDanel
Also Known As: Vesuvius Division of Cookson Group

Metals and Controls Corp. Attleboro, MA

Also Known As: M&C Nuclear
Also Known As: Metals and Controls Nuclear Corp.
Also Known As: M & C
Also Known As: Texas Instruments

Norton Co. Worcester, MA

Nuclear Materials

and Equipment

Corp. (NUMEC) (Apollo) Apollo, PA

Also Known As: Babcock & Wilcox
Also Known As: Atlantic Richfield Corp. (ARCO)

Nuclear Materials and Equipment

Corp. (NUMEC)

(Parks Township)Parks Township, PA

Also Known As: Babcock & Wilcox
Also Known As: Atlantic Richfield Corp. (ARCO)

Nuclear Metals, Inc. Concord, MA

Also Known As: NMI
Also Known As: Starmet, Inc.
Also Known As: MIT Met Lab
Also Known As: Whittaker Corp. Nuclear Metals Division

Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor Piqua, OH

Also Known As: Piqua Nuclear Power Facility
Also Known As: PNPF

Reed Rolled Thread Co. Worcester, MA

Shippingport Atomic Power Plant Shippingport, PA

Also Known As: Shippingport

Speedring, Inc. Culman, AL

Also Known As: Axsys Technologies

Sylvania Corning Nuclear Corp.

Bayside Laboratories Bayside, NY

Also Known As: Sylvania Corning Nuclear Corp. - Bayside Laboratories
Also Known As: Sylvania Electric Products, Inc
Also Known As: Metallurgical Laboratory
Also Known As: Sylvania Electric Company, Atomic Energy Division
Also Known As: Sylvania Bayside Laboratories
Also Known As: Sylcor

Sylvania Corning Nuclear Corp.

Hicksville Plant Hicksville, NY

Also Known As: General Telephone and Electronics Laboratories (GTE)
Also Known As: Sylcor

Tennessee Valley Authority Muscle Shoals AL

Also Known As: Uranium Recovery Pilot Plant and Laboratory

Also Known As: TVA

Torrington Co. Torrington, CT

University of Chicago Chicago, IL

Also Known As: Eckhardt Hall

(+ West Stands, New Chem. Lab and

Annex, Ryerson Physical Lab, \ Kent Chem. Lab)

U. S. Steel Co.,

National Tube Division McKeesport, PA

Ventron Corporation Beverly, MA

Also Known As: Metal Hydrides Corp.
Also Known As: Ventron Div., Morton Thiokol, Inc.

W. E. Pratt Manufacturing Co. Joliet, IL

Also Known As: William E. Pratt Manufacturing Co.
Also Known As: Klassing Handbrake
Also Known As: Altrachem, Inc.
Also Known As: subsidiary of Joslyn Mfg and Supply

W. R. Grace (Tennessee) Erwin, TN

Also Known As: Nuclear Fuels Servcies
Also Known As: Davison Chemical

Wyman Gordon Inc. Grayton, North

Grafton, MA




Allegheny-Ludlum Steel former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Director of Employee Relations

Attn: David Murphy

Allegheny-Ludlum Steel

100 River Road

Brackenridge, PA 15154

Phone: 724-226-5809

Allied Chemical Corporation Plant, Metropolis, Illinois former workers:

Send or fax lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Pat George


Highway 45 North

Metropolis, Illinois 62960

Phone: 618-524-6395

Fax: 618-524-6209

Aluminum Co. of America (Alcoa) (Pennsylvania) former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Anna Mae Litman

ALCOA, Incorporated

201 Isabella Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5858

Phone: 412-553-4415


American Chain and Cable Co. former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Sally Brennen


425 Post Road

Fairfield, CT 06430

Phone: 203-255-7141

She has some employment information about some American Chain and Cable workers. If she has no information on a claimants employment history, then go to the Social Security Administration to confirm his employment.

Armco-Rustless Iron & Steel former workers:

Fax lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, employment location, and dates of employment to:

(This is a secure fax facility.)

Karen Dearth

Fax: 513-425-2676

(There is no cost unless they have to go off-site to find the records to verify employment.)

Ashland Oil, Tonawanda, New York former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Geneva Massie

Ashland Incorporated

5200 Blazer Parkway

Dublin, Ohio 43017

Phone: 614-790-3333 (Ask for the Human Resources Department)


Babcock & Wilcox Co. (Virginia) former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Kim Thomas


3315 Old Forest Road

Lynchburg, VA 24501

Phone: 434-832-2757

Fax: 434-832-2345 (Attn: Kim Thomas)

If Kim Thomas does not have the employment records, contact Sonya Cox, BWX Technologies, on 434-522-6850. (Fax: 434-522-6736)

Baker-Perkins Co. former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Ms. Chris Linehan


5100 River Road

Schiller Park, IL 60176

Phone: ? (Ask Peggy Murnighan on 847-928-3635)

Beryllium Corporation of America, Hazleton, PA plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Virginia Leonard

Cabot Corporation

157 Concord Road

Billerica, MA 01821

Phone: 978-670-6225

Fax: 978-667-5260

E mail address:

Beryllium Corporation of America, Reading, PA plant former workers: (They have nothing to do with the Beryllium Corporation of America, Hazleton, PA plant.)

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Carl Harris

NGK Metals Corporation

P.O. Box 13367

Reading, PA 19612-3367

Phone: 610-921-5145

Beryllium Production Plant (Brush Luckey Plant) (Luckey, Ohio) former workers:

Send names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Brush Wellman

Attn: HR Department

17876 St. Clair Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44110

Contact: Becky Calhoun in HR on 216-383-6862 and Dennis Habrat (who does the employment verifications) on 216-383-6803.

Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Lackawana, New York plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

(Also include name of plant and its location)

Bethlehem Steel Corporation

Customer Call Center

Attn: Supervisor of Customer Call Center

Martin Tower

Bethlehem, PA 18016

Contact Myrna Riveria on 610-694-7222 or Bill Bauer on 610-

694-7603 (email address: )


Bliss & Laughlin Steel former workers:

E mail lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Sarah Mastrobuono at

Phone: 330-670-3145

If Sarah is not in, Waneta Negrette in Harvey, Illinois on 708-225-8207 should be able to help.

Blockson Chemical Company, Joliet, Illinois plant workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Dolores Ennico

Olin Corporation

501 Merritt 7

P.O. Box 4500

Norwalk, CT 06856-4500

Phone: 203-750-3479

Bridgeport Brass Company and Bridgeport Brass Company, Havens Laboratory workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Michael Bramnick

Associate General Counsel

Millennium Chemicals Inc.

230 Half Mile Road

Red Bank, NJ 07701

Phone: 732-933-5170

Fax: 732-933-5270

E mail: or


Brush Beryllium Company; Cleveland, Detroit, Elmore, and Lorain plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Brush Wellman

Attn: HR Department

17876 St. Clair Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44110

Dennis Habrat on 216-383-6803 does the verifications.

Carboloy Company former workers:

For workers who got a G.E. pension:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, name of company worked for, and dates of employment to:

General Electric Retirement Services

P.O. Box 6024

Schenectady, New York 12301

For workers who did not get a G.E. pension:

Phone: 1-800-367-2884 (Put in a claimants SSN and a person will come on the line. Ask him or her which G.E. plant of facility might be able to verify employment.

Ceradyne, Incorporated former workers:

Call Jill Baldwin on 714-549-0421, ext. 234. Jill can usually do it over the phone if given full name and social security number.

Chapman Valve former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Jennifer Kulhman

Crane Valve

3201 Walnut Avenue

Long Beach, CA 90807

Phone: 562-426-2531, ext. 430

Cincinnati Milling Machine Company former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Milacron, Incorporated

Attn: Payroll Department

2090 Florence Avenue

Cincinnati, Ohio 45206

Phone: 513-487-5626

Combustion Engineering, Windsor, Connecticut plant former workers:

Call Jo Ann Berko and she will do the verification over the phone.

Phone: 203-750-2359

Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Laboratory (CANEL) former workers:

Fax lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates and place of employment to:

Becky Landry

United Technologies

Middletown, CT

860-755-4935 (this number goes directly into her computer)

If there are any problems, call her on 860-565-6361

Coors Porcelain plant workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:


Attn: Sue Kadnuck

600 Ninth Street

Golden, CO 80401

Phone: 303-277-4080

Fax: 303-277-4060

Electro Metallurgical former workers:

Fax lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Betty Batista

Union Carbide

Fax: 203-794-6531

Phone: 203-794-3106

Ms Batista has employment information on Electro Metallurgical employees up to the date when Union carbide divested Electro Metallurgical to Morgan-Crucible.

Ms. Batistas mailing address is:

Union Carbide Corporation

39 Old Ridgebury Road

Human Resources G-2

Danbury, CT 06817-0001

Elk River Reactor former employees:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Barbara Theno

Employee Relations Manager

Great River Energy

17845 East Highway 10

Elk river, Minnesota 55330

Phone: 763-241-3753

Fenn Machinery Co. former workers:

Call Darlene Jones, Fenn Manufacturing Company human resources division on 860-594-4418. Give her claimants name and social security number and she will confirm employment.


Fenwal, Inc former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Phil Mongada

Director of Human Resources


400 Main Street

Ashland, MA 01721

Phone: 508-881-2000, ext. 2486

General Atomics former workers:

Fax lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Yolanda at 858-455-2244

Phone: 858-455-2225

General Electric Company (Ohio) former workers:

For workers who got a G.E. pension:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, name of company worked for, and dates of employment to:

General Electric Retirement Services

P.O. Box 6024

Schenectady, New York 12301

For workers who did not get a G.E. pension:

Phone: 1-800-367-2884 (Put in a claimants SSN and a person will come on the line. Ask him or her which G.E. plant of facility might be able to verify employment.


General Electric Plant (Indiana) former workers:

For workers who got a G.E. pension:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, name of company worked for, and dates of employment to:

General Electric Retirement Services

P.O. Box 6024

Schenectady, New York 12301

For workers who did not get a G.E. pension:

Phone: 1-800-367-2884 (Put in a claimants SSN and a person will come on the line. Ask him or her which G.E. plant of facility might be able to verify employment.

General Electric Vallecitos former workers:

For workers who got a G.E. pension:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, name of company worked for, and dates of employment to:

General Electric Retirement Services

P.O. Box 6024

Schenectady, New York 12301

For workers who did not get a G.E. pension:

Phone: 1-800-367-2884 (Put in a claimants SSN and a person will come on the line. Ask him or her which G.E. plant of facility might be able to verify employment.


Granite City Steel former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

National Steel Corporation

Attn: Lydia Kachigian

1951 State Street

Granite City, IL 62040

Phone: 618-451-4938

Lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment can be faxed to Lydia at 618-451-4115.

Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor (Hallam, Nebraska) former workers:

Send names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Gary A. Kruse

Human Resources Department

Nebraska Public Power

P.O. Box 499

1414 15th Street

Columbus, Nebraska 68602-0499

Phone: 402-563-5309

Harshaw Chemical Company former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Ms. Jan Strine

5th Floor

Engelhard Corporation

101 Wood Avenue

Iselin, NJ 08830

Phone: 1-800-432-9191 (Ask for Jan)


Heald Machine Company former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Milacron, Incorporated

Attn: Payroll Department

2090 Florence Avenue

Cincinnati, Ohio 45206

Phone: 513-487-5626

Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Company former workers:

First call the claimant (or survivor) and obtain, as best you can, the specific date of the last day that the person was employed by the Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Company. The Diebold Company, which has the Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Company records, files records of people who retired in the 1940s, 1950s, or 1960s by the date of their last day of work with Herring-Hall.

Send name, social security number, and date of last day as an employee to:

Kevin Nazdock

Diebold, Incorporated

5995 Mayfair Road

North Canton, Ohio 44720

Phone: 330-490-4401

Hooker Electrochemical former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Lu Ann Raymond

Occidental Chemical Corporation

P.O. Box 344

Niagara Falls, New York 14302-0344

Phone: 716-278-7743


Huntington Pilot Plant workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Amy Knight

Health and Welfare Associate

INCO Limited

3200 Riverside Drive

Huntington, WV 25705

Phone: 304-526-5374

Fax: 304-526-5309

Jessop Steel Co. (Washington, Pennsylvania) former workers:

Send or fax names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Director of Employee Relations

Attn: David Murphy

Allegheny-Ludlum Steel

100 River Road

Brackenridge, PA 15154

Phone: 724-226-5809

Fax: 724-226-5173

Koppers Co., Inc. former workers:

Call Steve Simond, Hansen North America, on 732-919-2319 and give him the workers name and social security number. If a worker got a Koppers pension, Mr. Simond will be able to verify his employment over the telephone. If a worker did not get a Koppers pension, we will have to go to the Social Security Administration to verify his employment.


LaCrosse Boiling Water Reactor former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Dairyland Power Cooperative

Attn: Pattilynn Brendum

P.O. Box 817

LaCrosse, WI 54602

Phone: 608-787-1341

Ladish Co. former workers:

Call Darlene (Ladish Corporation personnel office) on 414-747-3488. Given her the name, social security number, dates of employment, and, if you have it, employee number of the person whose employment you need to verify. Darlene will do the verification over the phone.

If needed the corporate mailing address and phone number is:

Ladish Company, Incorporated

Corporate Offices

5481 S. Packard Avenue

Cudahy, WI 53100

Phone: 414-747-2611

Linde Air Products (Buffalo, NY) plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

T. M. Dugan

Praxair, Inc.

175 East Park Drive

Tonawanda, NY 14151-0044

Phone: 716-879-2027

Fax: 716-879-7117


Linde Ceramics Plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

T. M. Dugan

Praxair, Inc.

175 East Park Drive

Tonawanda, NY 14151-0044

Phone: 716-879-2027

Fax: 716-879-7117

Mallinckrodt Chemical Company, Destrehan St. Plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Ms. Pat Duft

Mallinckrodt Corporate Headquarters

675 McDonnell Blvd.

St. Louis, MO 63042

Phone: 314-654-6314

Fax: 314-654-6486

Massachusetts Institute of Technology former workers:

Send lists of names, job titles, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

(Also try to indicate whether the claimant was an academic or a nonacademic employee)

Sarah Heaney

Massachusets Institute of Technology

77 Massachusetts Avenue

Building E19-235

Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 617-253-9489

Fax: 617-258-8501


McDaniel Refractory Co. former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Judy Bergman


510 Ninth Avenue

Beaver Falls, PA 15010

Phone: 724-843-8300, ext. 248

Metals and Controls Corporation former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Frank J. Veale

Texas Instruments

MS: 10-2

34 Forest Street

Attleboro, MA 02703

Phone: 508-236-1804

Norton Company former workers:

Fax lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Carol Ormand

Fax No: 508-795-2828

Her mailing address is:

Carol A. Ormand

Human Resources

Saint-Gobain Abrasives

One New Bond Street

Box Number 15008

Worcester, MA 01615-0008

Phone: 508-795-2167


Nuclear Metals, Inc. former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Janet Hammon

Starmet Corporation

2229 Main Street

Concord, MA 01742

Phone: 978-369-5410, ext. 249

Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) Apollo PA and Parks Township plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Julia Pankey

Comp. And Benefits Coord.

BWXT Services, Incorporated

2016 Mt. Athos Road

Lynchburg, VA 24504

Phone: 434-522-5501

Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor former workers:

Call in lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Judy Payner, Finance Office, City of Piqua, Ohio on 937-778-2069

If Judy is busy, Diana in the Human Resources office can help. She is on 937-778-2052.


Reed Rolled Thread Co. former workers:

Fax lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Janet Olson


18 Industrial Drive

Holden, MA 01520-1895

Fax: 508-926-5383

Phone: 508-926-5273

Shippingport Atomic Power Plant former workers:

Call Dave Hershberger, Duquesne Light human resources department on 412-393-6378. Give him employee name, employee number (if available), dates of employment, and other other information that he might need. He will verify over the phone.

For verifications of employees who no longer work for Duquesne, try Dawn Laitres, First Energy on 724-682-5245.

Spreedring, Inc. former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Judy Bradford

Axsys Technologies

P.O. Box 1588

Cullman, AL 35056-1558

Phone: 256-737-5200 (Ask for Judy)

(If Judy is out, Christie Mize on 256-737-5282 can help. Her fax number is 256-737-5249.)


Sylvania Corning Nuclear Corporation, Bayside Laboratories and Hicksville Plant former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Verizon Communications

Attn: Lisa Davis Jackson


Coppell, Texas 75015-2270

Phone: 214-285-1439

Tennessee Valley Authority, Muscle Shoals, Alabama former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Tennessee Valley Authority

Attn: Employee Service Center

400 West Summit Hill Drive

Knoxville, TN 37902

Phone: 256-386-2601 (Ask for Human Resources [employment verification]). (N.B. TVA may have to recall records from a federal records center or from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis to verify employment. If so, it may take them 4 to 6 weeks to give a response.)

Torrington Co. (Torrington, Connecticut) former workers:

Fax names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Daisy Decker

Human Resources Department

The Torrington Company

Torrington, CT 06790-1008

Phone: 860-626-2623 (Ask to be transferred to Daisy Decker)

Fax: 860-496-3603


University of Chicago former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Annetha Bartley

University of Chicago

5801 Ellis

Room 501

Chicago, Illinois 60637

Phone: 773-702-8816

U. S. Steel Co., National Tube Division (McKeesport, Pennsylvania) former workers:

Fax names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Beverly Detrick

United States Steel Corporation

Monroeville, PA 15146

Phone: 412-433-6617

Fax: 412-433-6617

Ventron Corporation (Metal Hydrides Corporation) former workers:

Call Vanessa Gibson-Cooper of Rohm and Haas Corporation human resources on 215-592-2868. Give her name and social security number and she will verify over the phone.

W.E. Pratt Manufacturing Company former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to

Vivian Curran

Joslyn Manufacturing

3700 South Morgan Street

Chicago, IL 60609

Phone: 773-927-1420, ext. 1274

Fax: 773-927-6862


W. R. Grace (Tennessee) plant former workers. This is now the Nuclear Fuels Services, Erwin, Tennessee plant.

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Ruth Salts

Nuclear Fuels Services

1205 Banner Hill Road

Erwin, TN 37650

Phone: 423-743-1712

Fax: 423-743-9025

Wyman Gordon Inc, former workers:

Send lists of names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and dates of employment to:

Alice Moore

Wyman Gordon, Incorporated

244 Worcester Street

North Grafton, MA 01536-8001

Phone: 508-839-8363

Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act:

Employment Verifications:

List 3: DOE Verifiers

Listed below are those facilities which appear on the Department of Energy (DOE) Covered Facilities List which meet the following criteria:

1. The Department of Energy, or one of its contractors, owns the employment records.

2. The Department of Energy, through the Office of Worker Advocacy Germantown, performs employment verifications of people who used to work at these facilities.

This list will be periodically updated.

Facility Name Location

(As it appears on the DOE Covered Facilities List):

Albany Research Center Albany, OR

Also Known As: ARC
Also Known As: U.S. Bureau of Mines
Also Known As: Albany Metallurgical Research Center
Also Known As: Oregon Metallurgical Corp.

Battelle LaboratoriesKing Avenue Columbus, OH

Also Known As: Battelle Columbus Laboratories (BCL)
Also Known As: Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI)

Battelle LaboratoriesWest Jefferson Columbus, OH

Also Known As: Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI)
Also Known As: Battelle Columbus Laboratories (BCL)
Also Known As: West Jefferson Plutonium Facilities

Columbia University New York,

Also Known As: Pupin Hall
Also Known As: Havemeyer Hall
Also Known As: Nash Building
Also Known As: Prentiss Hall
Also Known As: Schermerlimon Hall

Energy Technology Engineering Center

(Atomics International/Rocketdyne) Santa Susana

(Canoga Park), CA

Also Known As: North American Aviation
Also Known As: Rocketdyne Propulsion and Power
Also Known As: Rockwell International
Also Known As: Boeing, Canoga Park
Also Known As: Nuclear Development Field Laboratory (NDFL)
Also Known As: Energy Systems Group
Also Known As: Liquid Metal Engineering Center
Also Known As: Atomics International

Extrusion Plant (Reactive Metals, Inc.) Ashtabula, OH

Also Known As: Reactive Metals, Inc.
Also Known As: RMI

Iowa Ordnance Plant Burlington, IA

Also Known As: Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
Also Known As: Burlington Ordnance Plant
Also Known As: Silas Mason Co.
Also Known As: Mason & Hanger

Laboratory for Energy-Related

Health Research Davis, CA

Laboratory of Biomedical and

Environmental Sciences Los Angeles, CA

Laboratory of Radiobiology

and Environmental Health San Francisco, CA

Nuclear Fuels Services, West Valley West Valley, NY

Peek Street Facility Schenectady, NY

Also Known As: Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
Also Known As: Knolls Atomic Power Lab of General Electric Co.

Sacandaga Facility Glenville, NY

Separations Process Research Unit

(at Knolls Lab.) Schenectady, NY

University of Rochester

Atomic Energy Project Rochester, NY

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Carlsbad, NM

Also Known As: WIPP

Weldon Spring Plant Weldon Spring, MO

Yucca Mountain Site Characterization

Project Yucca Mountain, NV

Memorandum: February 27, 2002 Verification of Employment

List 2 DOE facilities with no records

SSA-581 Authorization To Obtain Earnings Data From the Social Security Administration

Notice of Privacy Act Statement and Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

o:allowincell="f"> Memorandum: February 27, 2002 Verification of Employment List 1 Explanation



Memorandum: February 27, 2002 Verification of Employment List 2 Explanation

SSA -581 Authorization To Obtain Earnings Data From the Social Security Administration

Notice of Privacy Act Statement and Paperwork Reduction Act Statement