Please note: As of 01/20/2025, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.


Acting Secretary Su visits Nevada to recognize 1st Venetian Resort-Culinary Workers Union contract; reaffirm Biden-Harris administration’s union support

LAS VEGAS – Acting Secretary Su traveled to Las Vegas Sept. 19, 2024, to commemorate The Venetian Resort’s historic first contract with the Culinary Workers Union, congratulate workers for their hard work in reaching the agreement, and reaffirm the administration’s commitment to supporting workers and union jobs.

The Acting Secretary joined Culinary Workers Union Local 226 Secretary-Treasurer Ted Pappageorge and The Venetian Resort Las Vegas President and CEO Patrick Nichols in offering remarks for the occasion.

“This is not just a landmark moment in the history of Las Vegas – it’s a victory for workers and a victory for the Venetian, because this first contract will provide stability and a guaranteed quality workforce - this is what can be achieved when workers and management come together to find common ground,” Acting Secretary Su said.

Media coverage highlighted Acting Secretary Su’s announcement as follows:

U.S. labor secretary helps celebrate contract at Las Vegas’ Venetian(link is external) 

By Kyle Chouinard | Sept. 19, 2024

“I’ve never known workers that are trying to organize a union because they don’t want to work with their employer,” Su said Thursday at a contract celebration. “They want the employer to do well, and that shared success is the ... future of the romance that you all solidified here today.”

Culinary Union celebrates the end of their longest campaign(link is external)

By Steve Sebelius | Sept. 19, 2024

“It says that unions make America strong,” [Acting Secretary Su] said. “You hear President Biden say it all the time, the middle-class built America and unions built the middle class. And now the workers here in the Venetian are going to be able to enjoy the benefits of having a real voice on the job, of being able to negotiate for their wages and health benefits, for how technology will be implemented in the workplace, to just really feel valued.”

For 14-year Venetian employee Carmen Vargas, who served on the negotiating committee that hammered out the new contract, it's not just better wages and good healthcare, but also the ability to buy a home.

U.S. Secretary of Labor celebrates all-union Las Vegas Strip with Culinary(link is external)

By Dana Gentry | Sept. 19, 2024

“By supporting the right to organize, we’re seeing workers gain more power in the workplace,” she said, and that in turn is helping to drive “a record recovery from the pandemic and it’s creating more prosperity all around.” 

While billions of dollars pour into communities via the Biden administration’s Investing in America agenda, Su says she’s focused on “opportunity infrastructure” and connecting people from all walks of life with good jobs by eliminating obstacles such as lack of transportation or childcare.

Office of the Secretary
September 20, 2024
Release Number
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