Please note: As of 01/20/2025, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.
News Release
US Department of Labor issues report on labor concerns in Peru’s textile, apparel and agricultural sectors
WASHINGTON – A report released today under the labor chapter of the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement by the U.S. Department of Labor raises significant concerns regarding the right to freedom of association in Peru’s non-traditional export sectors, which include exports of textiles, apparel and certain agricultural products.
The report also raises questions regarding labor law enforcement in the South American nation. To help guide subsequent engagement between the U.S. and Peruvian governments, the report provides six recommendations aimed at addressing the questions and concerns. It also notes the U.S. government’s commitment to assess any progress by Peru within nine months and thereafter as appropriate.
Published within 180 days of initiating a review of the matter, the report represents the streamlined and timely review by the department of labor submissions received under U.S. trade agreements.
The report responds to a submission filed with the department’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs by the International Labor Rights Forum, Perú Equidad and seven Peruvian workers’ organizations. The submission alleges that the Peruvian government failed to enforce its labor laws effectively, and that Peru’s law governing employment contracts for non-traditional exports is incompatible with freedom of association.
Based on evidence gathered as part of a review, the report raises significant concerns about whether the current system to protect the right to freedom of association of workers employed on unlimited consecutive short-term contracts in Peru’s non-traditional export sectors is sufficient. In addition, the report raises questions about the effectiveness of the country’s labor law enforcement while recognizing the number of positive steps taken by the Peruvian government to improve its labor law enforcement since signing the PTPA in 2007.
The report sets out a path for continued engagement with Peru’s government aimed at addressing the questions and concerns identified during the review.
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Read this news release in Españól.