The Office of Regulatory and Programmatic Policy holds responsibility within OASP for leading high priority regulatory initiatives through the Department and the Office of Management and Budget, including leading policy development, drafting and engaging agency economists and the Office of the Chief Economist in the development and defense of the economic analyses, and managing the Department's equities in the OMB interagency economic and policy review process.
Rulemaking is the term used when a federal government agency creates, modifies or deletes rules published in the Code of Federal Regulations (also known as the CFR). Rules are government agency statements that either:
- Implement, explain or prescribe law or policy
- Describe an agency's organization, procedure or practice requirements
Regulatory Agenda
The regulatory agenda is a listing of all the regulations the Department of Labor expects to have under active consideration for promulgation, proposal, or review during the next 6- to 12-months. View the department's latest regulatory agenda.
Regulations Currently Open for Comment
As part of the rulemaking process, the American public has the opportunity to comment on proposed rules and other regulatory actions. See the Department of Labor's list of regulations currently open for comment.
Rulemaking and Regulations Resources
Below are further resources that can help you find and understand the department's rulemaking activities and regulations:
- Federal Register Documents – Public regulations and legal notices issued by DOL agencies; includes the text of all proposed rules, final rules, and notices published in the Federal Register.
- DOL Procedures for Compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Executive Order 13272 – The purpose of the procedures is to help agencies understand and meet the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Executive Order 13272, Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking.
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – Listing of current regulations pertaining to DOL programs organized by CFR chapter and responsible DOL agency.
- Employment Law Guide – The Employment Law Guide helps job creators and workers understand the requirements of major Department of Labor laws.
Executive Orders and Office of Management and Budget Guidance
- Executive Order 13610 - Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens
- Executive Order 13609 - Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation
- Executive Order 13579 - Regulation and Independent Regulatory Agencies
- Executive Order 13563 - Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
- Executive Order 12866 - Regulatory Planning and Review
- General Information