Mexico Awareness Raising

Project Duration
January 2021
June 2025
Funding and Year

The Mexico Awareness Raising project aims to support the government of Mexico, including the federal and state-level Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare, to design, execute, and sustain effective communication strategies that inform workers, unions, and employers of the legal ramifications of the country’s labor law reforms.

The Problem

In February 2017, Mexico enacted landmark constitutional reforms, which aim to transform its labor justice system into a more transparent and impartial system to better protect freedom of association and collective bargaining rights. In May 2019, the President of Mexico signed into law the necessary legislation to fully implement the 2017 constitutional reforms. The legal ramifications of the labor reforms remain unclear for many stakeholders who will have to navigate new institutions and are unaware of new procedures, rights, and obligations.

Our Strategy

The success of Mexico’s labor reform significantly depends on the government’s ability to communicate the reform’s implications to workers, unions, and employers. Thus, this project involves working with the government of Mexico, including the federal and state-level Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare, to design, execute, and sustain effective communication strategies that adapt to the needs of different sectors and diverse populations.


  • Evaluation Report (English | Spanish)
  • Learning Brief 1 – Investing in Mexico’s Auto Workers for Sustainable Growth: Insights, lessons learned, and emerging good practices garnered from a systems evaluation of the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs’ technical assistance activities within Mexico’s automotive sector (English | Spanish)
  • Learning Brief 2 – Shifting Mindsets: Equipping workers and worker-led organizations with the knowledge and awareness of labor laws and rights in Mexico to promote a safe and equitable workplace (English | Spanish)
  • Learning Brief 5 – In the Driver’s Seat: Reflections on strengthening the capacity of system actors in the automotive sector in Mexico (English | Spanish)
  • Infographic – Looking Under the Hood (English | Spanish)
Partners of the Americas
Contact Information:
(202) 693-4900 / Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (OTLA)
Capacity Building
USMCA Technical Assistance