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The Wage and Hour Division’s Essential Workers – Essential Protections initiative shares information with essential workers across the country about their rights to fair labor standards and respect in the workplace.

The goals of the Essential Workers – Essential Protections initiative are to:

  • Provide outreach and education to protect essential workers and ensure they know their workplace rights.
  • Reintroduce the Wage and Hour Division as a trusted resource to workers, employers, unions, employer associations and other stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with strategic partners to reach the most vulnerable, at-risk workers.

To help reach these goals, the Wage and Hour Division offers the resources below on common issues that essential workers and their employers face in several industries throughout the country.


Taking time off if you or a family member are sick - Essential workers

Taking time off if you or a family member are sick

Family and Medical Leave Act Resources

Report wage, hour and leave concerns.

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